I have a neighbour who is studying English language in school. The first time I entered her room, it was like a small library with no space for other stuff. I wonder how she was able to manage and cope with her bags, clothes, and kitchen space. No wonder she is always sweating and would sit outside hoping the light would come so as to receive some blowing air from the standing fan. Sometimes, I borrow books to read which I may not finish reading because all her books are literature with lots of pages that seems unending to exhaust. I get lost halfway and would also be tired which makes me end up giving up without reading to the end.

My own image
Even though I know books are so important, and hearing the adage that says readers are leaders, I don't like reading books before now. The titles may most times lure me into reading the first few pages but I never get to finish reading a novel except for story books with 10, 20, or 30 pages which seem so interesting. One thing I believed then was that I can never use my money to buy books; I rather read from my phone as pdf and that's fine.
All my course materials were in the form of pdf and I enjoyed reading them which makes people hail me as they get surprised at how I do that for all my courses till I graduated. I still prefer ebooks to physical ones because of the cost. Purchasing a book is expensive, what's the essence of wasting my money when I could just download it online and read it for free? I think my minimalist lifestyle led me into thinking that it's a good thing not to have lots of books in your house because of space and having less stress for yourself.

I started buying books this year when my eyes got opened to what I have been missing, and reading a book to the end still surprises me today. The book I read last year in December made me change my mind about getting the hard copy when I saw how interesting and wisdom-filled it was as I do not want to miss out on those lessons but to keep the book around me. Someone told me feeling a physical book in your hand is far better than reading a soft copy. You get to feel the smell and have a better glimpse of what you are reading when you highlight words you come across in order to revisit again, it doesn't get lost or wiped out from you even though one of the disadvantages is that it occupies space which a soft copy would not. I have lost so many soft copies of novels on my phone and I could see the reason to start buying physical books.

My own image
From January until now, I have bought 4 books which I have completed and craving more, but there is an issue here again. I don't want to have a room full of books that packing them when I want to relocate becomes so difficult for me. I hate load and so, I decided to stop buying more books except I have relocated to a more safe place where I don't need to keep thinking of how to move them when it's time, possibly my house.
With my minimalism lifestyle, the only best option for me right now is to keep borrowing books, read and then return back instead of buying and buying which would take large space in my home. I love having a huge space where I can do other things than limiting myself because of some books that have taken the larger part of the whole place. I still enjoy reading physical books because there are a lot of benefits to reading straight from my phone which could affect my eyes.
Thanks for your time on my blog.

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I have a chum at the University of Benin who also study English as a course. This guy can read 500 pages in a day. Though I do refer to him as a bookworm because he is highly academic and bookish. I love reading habit because reading is fun
Yea, reading is fun and one needs to make it a habit. Reading books enlighten us more and we explore more around the world too. Thanks, Obanla for reading.
Hmmmm i guess you're a fan of love, love books gets me all tired reading them my kinda books is success and personal development books. But its a good thing to read and plan about marriage before you dip a toe in 😁😁😁
Hahaha... don´t mind me. I need to read more on love and relationship but I still enjoy personal development books too. Lol
Thank you for reading.
Haha i love your personality, but sorry to ask have you for once got your heart broken? Am not sure you'll love reading love books if you hv
Hehehe... having heartbreaks doesn´t mean I shouldn´t read love books, right? I just entertain myself with it.
Hmmmm i hail your kinda hearts, for me anything love books, movies, comedies, or even entertainment, is an irritation to my eyes. Am still even tryna figure out if or not to give up on my love life too🤣
Hehehe,,, I get you. Well, I still believe true love still exists.
Hahaha only in movies dear, not in reality especially not in Nigeria,
Hard copy was always better in my eyes from the beginning and I would prefer it more than soft copy. I think a hard copy can give us the best experience. I read e-books when I read in the time of traveling. But it's for a temporary time.
Yes, also our eyes are important not to stare for a long time on a PC or phone while reading. So, I will prefer hard copies because one feels the experience more. Thank you.
Good thing your neighbor allows you to borrow the books. I believe they are all essentials and I love them all sis.
Yes, reading books are essential, especially for our personal growth. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for the opportunity 😊
I read at least a book every week and I can't imagine having to keep so many hard copies in my room.
Although I had a rather sad experience about five years ago when my external hard drive got corrupted and I lost all the files on it.
It was a library of books I'd accumulated over the years and I was sad to loose them all from the carelessness of a cousin.
That is the disadvantages of reading soft copies, you get to lose them unexpectedly and it pains so much. But hard copies aren't bad too except that they occupy space and becomes a load when moving to another place.
The feeling of a book in your hand, the flipping of pages is very therapeutic (to me at least). I have this inclination to always finish once I start. I really love reading (more than I love writing) and I can say for sure that reading does a lot to strengthen the mind. Let's hope you get that bigger space for more reading...