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RE: Style is always in fashion || Post Idea for week 2

in The MINIMALIST3 years ago (edited)

Hmmm, gorgeous is the word! I will not say any more than this, I wanted to say much more though. And yes, I have nothing much to write on this topic because I don't think my worn out shirts and ripped jeans would fit in this category 👍. You're taking full advantage of your limited space.

 3 years ago  

😊 Thank you!

Yes, indeed! I leave no gap in my limited space.

If this week does not suit you, look out for the next set of topics on Saturday morning bright and early :)

You mean writing more than one is allowed in a week? If it's so, I will hide the ripped parts of my jeans, or put my trousers and dresses on the show :)

 3 years ago  

Yes, you can write on two different options in the same week. No problem!