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RE: Just the little things

in The MINIMALIST2 years ago

I was only hoping that I would not return to find a snake

Hate snakes, ehh.

They have a long street called Melton Road in Leicester, UK, which is like the Indian capital.

There are a lot of us Bagladeshis too in Eastern London, a lot of them are from Sylhet they say, that's what I've heard all my life haha. Some of the Deshi restaurants are quite popular too, there was this one video I saw.

Love how the food looks, if only I could taste it haha.

Yes, I admire the determination of fasting during Ramadan; It takes great discipline. Stay hydrated and safe:)

Oh, I always stay hydrated, love me some water lol. And during Ramadan with every chance I get, I'll be spending most of my days at home, hopefully.

 2 years ago  

Oh, London is a special place😍

Got no doubts about that haha.


 2 years ago  

Haha! I don't get to spend enough time in London at all. I did so more when I used to visit the UK on holidays:)

Quite a few years ago we had planned for a family trip to London, but for some reason it got cancelled.

There are just so many places and countries that I wanna visit, but for now they'll have to wait I guess, much more important things need to be taken care of right now. But I am working towards it though, steadily climbing up, slowly trying to turn all those travel dreams into reality. 🔥

 2 years ago  

I understand that. Travel is expensive especially if you have a family. Luckily my husband and I are free and have flexibility. We just need to save up for it too. There's always a trade off I guess.

Luckily my husband and I are free and have flexibility. We just need to save up for it too.

Kudos to you guys. May you both travel more and step foot on every country and place you have on your bucket list. ❤️

There's always a trade off I guess.

Oh, there's always a trade off, bit of sacrifice and compromise too. That's just how life is, every damn aspect of it.