I was only hoping that I would not return to find a snake
Hate snakes, ehh.
They have a long street called Melton Road in Leicester, UK, which is like the Indian capital.
There are a lot of us Bagladeshis too in Eastern London, a lot of them are from Sylhet they say, that's what I've heard all my life haha. Some of the Deshi restaurants are quite popular too, there was this one video I saw.
Love how the food looks, if only I could taste it haha.
Yes, I admire the determination of fasting during Ramadan; It takes great discipline. Stay hydrated and safe:)
Oh, I always stay hydrated, love me some water lol. And during Ramadan with every chance I get, I'll be spending most of my days at home, hopefully.
Oh, London is a special place😍
Got no doubts about that haha.
Haha! I don't get to spend enough time in London at all. I did so more when I used to visit the UK on holidays:)
Quite a few years ago we had planned for a family trip to London, but for some reason it got cancelled.
There are just so many places and countries that I wanna visit, but for now they'll have to wait I guess, much more important things need to be taken care of right now. But I am working towards it though, steadily climbing up, slowly trying to turn all those travel dreams into reality. 🔥
I understand that. Travel is expensive especially if you have a family. Luckily my husband and I are free and have flexibility. We just need to save up for it too. There's always a trade off I guess.
Kudos to you guys. May you both travel more and step foot on every country and place you have on your bucket list. ❤️
Oh, there's always a trade off, bit of sacrifice and compromise too. That's just how life is, every damn aspect of it.