Slowing Down Life

in The MINIMALIST2 years ago

I shy away from creating from prompts as I tend to come off as an emotional writer or unintentionally stray from the topic but sometimes, I feel intrigued to answer some simple yet deep ones just to evaluate how I am doing.

This is one of those times.

From the minimalist tribe in this 27th-week edition, the admin is asking us to share how we slow things down when life feels like it's moving too fast.


For someone who has anxiety, life and everything associated with the experience of living moves at a faster pace than my slow being. I prefer long seconds flowing into even longer minutes for my weird side to digest anything my complex artistic mind captures.

What I mean is I wish there was a way I could freeze some fast disappearing moments and bask in their glory long enough for me to have an album of memories unpacking the most magical details of each as I try to create or make sense out of every last one but there is no way.

Life is meant to happen faster than I want it and this creates friction between my empath, artist and parent. I then have to look for a way to silence the riots in my head or the storm that brews beneath my skin.

Grounding Myself

For me to envision a few clear steps, grounding myself in the present moment is crucial as I tend to disassociate. If it is unbearable, I look for a healthy escape like soothing rain sounds, podcasts of brown noise or music.

I might settle for a few meditation sessions or a few hours of dancing to attempt to shed off any negative vibes withholding my spirit.

I also turn to reading sad and dark poetry if none of the already mentioned tricks can't seem to help ease me back to my sanity. Good films or documentaries help me leave my mental borderline even just for a while.

Creating Balance

I always apply balance back to my rhythm of life by creating and nurturing. Be it through writing, art, farming or looking after my brood. The intrusive thoughts that come as reminders of how life might be slipping away or how everyone else seems to be doing much better than I can only leave when I engage in what generates my gratitude.

Like every other man, my life feels like it is never moving at the pace I want it to and I am prone to feeling like I am always behind the expectations schedule but I have found ways to restore that balance here.

Theatre also helps me relax but going there is a bit expensive as is attending poetry events and exploring coffee houses.

Driving somewhere secluded to reconnect with nature would be a thing too but I don't own a car yet. It would aid in countryside escapes and I am sure that would do me good but for now, I can only hope.

At the end of the day, what I think we all forget is there is no way we can do it all. And there is also no need to compete with life or its unrealistic pace.

wambuku w.

 2 years ago  

I feel you for all that you've written. I used to suffer from anxiety which kept my mind going at Usain Bolt's speed all the time. That was no good for my well-being, regardless of how well I mastered functioning in such a state. Some things included my mind "almost" giving in, and I had to make a conscious decision to slow down and take things at a slower pace.Hello @tezmel

At the end of the day, what I think we all forget is there is no way we can do it all. And there is also no need to compete with life or its unrealistic pace.

This is absolutely right!

Balance, and remembering that we cannot do it all, and that we were not meant to, is ok.

It's always a pleasure seeing you here:)

small KISS Gif.gif

I enjoyed it 😉 Thanks for your #KISS

lips sealed

speaking lips

Thank you for your overflowing encouragement but before I get into how you always leave me humbled, how did you overcome your anxiety? I just need it to stop being so crippling yet my mind is racing like Bolt exactly as you said.

It is always a pleasure to come back home ❤

 2 years ago  

Sorry I didn't get to respond earlier. I just posted in response to this week's prompt. Basically, I manage my anxiety with Qi Gong and meditation. Not just the physical movements, but I do studies on the flow of energy in the body.
Qi Gong is like the calm amid the chaos, and it helps me to keep every thing in perspective... Also, practicing the spiritual side of minimalism in my life:)Hello @tezmel

Me replying two days later...sigh

Thank you so much for sharing. I should really read that post as this is my first time hearing about this way of life minus the minimalism of course :)

 2 years ago  

Yes, definitely check Qi Gong out. I do the Wudang Five Animal Qi Gong, which is soft internal martial arts. There are so many different forms and types of Qi Gong, but this one mimics the movement of the dragon, tiger, leopard, snake, and crane.

Here's a good video to watch of a pro with amazing flexibility. These movements should be practiced every day to open blocks and energy channels in the body. He doesn't give instructions on the breathing here, but there are numerous videos that this will lead you to:)

Creating balance in life is really significant and I love how you were able to put things in equilibrium through writing, arts, and farming. Perhaps we all have different ways how to do it but what matter most is on how we put our bright reflections into meaningful actions. Have a great time my friend. Enjoy life to the fullest.

Yet we often forget to create it or even celebrate ourselves when we manage to. I know this because I still forget to.

Thank you for your kind words and have an amazing weekend :)

You are most welcome dear friend, @tezmel. The pleasure is mine. Take care always and have a great time. I hope you are well.

I hope you are well too 😊

You have been able to identify some positive systems through which one can slow life down to slow seconds. For me, it's mostly through escaping reality either through books, drinking and or smoking. Though I have quit smoking now, I still drink a little but I have been reading a lot and that has been keeping me grounded to a large extent.

My brain is to active for my own good so meditation is just impossible. As for driving, I have never liked cars or driving so that is a hard pass. I think long walks in the evenings can replace that. I enjoy walking and listening to chamber music, so centering. All in all though, my favourite way to cope with how the days can speed by is writing. Writing is my go to for everything. 😂
How are you, Tez? Miss you 🖤

Trust me... I had to or I would not be the best version of a parent I can be. Drinking is lethal for my nonexistent relationship with food. Books are a green flag always and herb has been an option for a while.

It is good to leave the pages of a book and interact with fellow human beings. I am lucky to have my brood.

Meditation is hard when I choose it, it's me trying to positively disassociate. I love going far from home and I can't do that on foot as much as I love walking too. That's where driving somewhere comes in.

The long walks here tend to be noisy and those can't help me. But yes to writing! Miss you too Mwalim ❤

Yeah drinking can making eating hard. I have the same non existent relationship too (That's a good one by the way 😂). Reading and writing is a win win and you are writing it sometimes takes you away from the crowd and you feel lost when you return.

Lol. I am aware. It is sad though.

I am glad we agree on reading and writing:)

Those two are the air I breathe

Slowing down in this fast-paced world is something we all need. How we slow down is up to us and like you, we can be so creative with it.

Your writing is really inspiring. Thank you for sharing it.

I cannot help but feel that the following is immensely profound yet poetic to such a degree that I have read it a couple of times:

What I mean is I wish there was a way I could freeze some fast disappearing moments and bask in their glory long enough for me to have an album of memories unpacking the most magical details of each as I try to create or make sense out of every last one but there is no way.

I feel exactly the same. On various fronts in my life. My research, my art, my reading and writing, and so on. I wish I could have what you are describing.

Thanks for sharing your inner thoughts.

I think slowing down is the main secret to living but even I tend to forget so. It is the only time we get to really see what it is all about.

I am so glad you resonated with that as it sometimes surfaces in a heavy manner that makes me acknowledge that I am wired differently. What a joy to know that we both are :)

Thank you for your kind words. They are really appreciated.

Slowing down is indeed that secret ingredient to a good life. Not everyone seems to respond to it in a good way, but maybe that is because they are afraid of what they might discover when they slow down.

And you are wired perfectly, I resonate with your writing, the way you see life is profound. We can learn from others when we use this magic ingredient of slowing down and deferring our need to understand.

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Wow, I love love your write up indeed there is no way we can do it all even when we want to and have the power to do it, we were not meant to do it all, we were meant to do our best and leave the rest for Jah.

I guess it is in our nature then, to always feel like our life is never moving at the pace we wish for it to move.

Thank you for the kind words... We all belong to the Most High and as such we will always have guidance if we seek it even in our simplest acts of trying to heal ourselves :)

But we constantly forget that... Hence us trying to chase life at her pace all the time.