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RE: Simple Feel-Good Moments in Nature

in The MINIMALIST6 months ago

I can feel your calm state of mind while reading this and it's lovely. Honestly, I'm a bit jealous haha. What a lovely way to live on the water in such a boat, I remember seeing some pictures of how you are using all the space in the boat for storage of your belongings and it's great to see how much is possible on such a "small" boat.

In terms of minimalist lifestyle I would say it's great if you have a small living space because you have to be creative with space, we already accumulated too much in this bigger apartment as we have plenty storage spaces, which is not where I want to be but yet we are here again. Reading such posts is inspiring and a kick in the butt to (once again) declutter and know that less is more.

Although I live in an apartment quite high, I REALLY enjoy staring outside and seeing the ocean with the rest of the killer view, especially when the moon is clear in the sky from my couch to be seen I feel so blessed and calm. Therefore I can really see how living so in touch with nature as you are does to a mind.

We have plans for the future to live closer to nature as well but it's a work in progress and will take a few years at least to become reality.

Thanks for being an inspiration @millycf1976 <3