Choosing Love Over Anger- Lessons In Letting Go

On Sunday, I attended a women's circle. We try and get together at least once a month, so that we can share, create and support one another. Usually there is a theme, but this time, we just came together and let things happen organically.


One of the women, brought some tarot cards with her and she invited each of us to take one from the pack. I took a few moments to look at them all, until I felt the urge to choose one.

When I did, the card that I chose, said 'complete'. Which I found very interesting, as earlier, whilst we all broke off into pairs so we could really listen to each other, I spoke about how I felt like I was beginning a new chapter in my life.

That on top of moving, I had been able to let go of a huge heavy burden, that I had been carrying for as long as I could remember.

This burden, comprised of angry, resentment and pain. I felt like it had been woven into my being, buried deep within. But finding it's way to the surface every now and again, as the weight of it bore heavy on my well being.

Just two years previously, when I had been quite ill. A healer whom I trust, told me that I was putting my body under a lot of strain, because of the anger and resentment I was holding onto.

Both where affecting my liver and kidneys ability to function properly. I was given some remedies and advised to explore some ways in which I could release them.

I have akways had my writing, but somethings go too deep and need more physical forms of release. I found that healing and release in Biodanza.

Which has allowed me, to tap into my emotions and express them in a safe and healthy way. Without having to relive the memories, tied to them. Which can be a very painful experience.

I understood, why I felt the way that I did and I also wanted to off load the burden of my pain, so that my girls would not have to carry it.

Knowing that I had the support of my wonderful Biodanza family behind me. The support of the very people who had helped me to break through the walls of my pain. So that, I was finally able to let go.

But even more than that, I was able to transform all that pain into love. Which has been, my greatest form of release.

This is my response to the latest Kiss Blogging Ideas initiative. I've missed the last few, as my weeks have been quite busy of late, but I was happy to catch this one. Especially as I am feeling pretty complete at the moment.

Even though, it can feel like there are certain people holding us back, because of how they treat us or have treated us, ultimately we are holding ourselves back. We just need to find a way to break through the insecurities that have been placed upon us, empower ourselves, as no one can move us forwards in life, that responsibility falls upon us as individuals.



 2 years ago  

This made me smile. It's a great feeling when we're changing and growing, dealing with pain, and overcoming hardship, yet feel complete ❤️

There's power in everything you said, and yes, we hold onto bad experiences that can affect our internal organs from working optimally. I'm happy with your natural and holistic path.

The most powerful thing and what I agree with wholeheartedly is 👇

Even though, it can feel like certain people are holding us back, because of how they treat us or have treated us, ultimately we are holding ourselves back. We just need to find a way to break through the insecurities that have been placed upon us, and empower ourselves, as no one can move us forward in life, that responsibility falls upon us as individuals.

💯% xxxx

Thanks so much. Yes taking responsibility is the most important step in our healing xxxxx

ultimately we are holding ourselves back.

So true! We must be certain to not take on others perceptions of us as our own. I am so happy you have this group in your life!

Thank you beautiful xxxx

We don't have to hold on to pain until our knuckles turn white if not, the weight of the burden will be pulling us down either mental or physically. I'm glad that you're able to leg of the things that is causing you pain. and trying out new things that makes you feel happy.

The group hug at the beginning feels like you combining your energy to annihilate the negative vibrations that might have resurfaced. What a beautiful community to be a part of x

Group hugs are magical indeed xxxxx

Anger and resentment sink so many opportunities in life into a deep ocean of regret

Yes they do xxx

real anger is actually love that is moving to keep us safe - the heavy judgement that anger has received since the beginning of times from minds that have mistaken guilt for love has shaped anger into a form that the judgements claim is it's real form, but which is not. once new heart is born within individuals to allow real feelings to be unconditionally accepted, anger is understood to be love that seeks to protect from what we are scared of.

That is a very interesting way to perceive anger.
We are ultimately beings of love, so everything stems from that, be it a lack of or a misunderstanding of what love actually means.

My understanding is that there are beings who were formed as a result of pure heartlessness (not intentionally), so it is probably true that they are not beings of love and have no intention of being so.. However, that is all in process and some of it is beyond my reach of understanding at present.

The energy that a seed uses to push through the oil to aid it's growth and access to resources is aggression/anger too!