
Perhaps one of my biggest challenges with minimal living, has been exploring the ways in which it has affected my mindset around scarcity. In separating them completely. Of course they are different, I have certainly not been experiencing a scarcity of meaningful interactions, or beautiful moments of connection. The things that really matter. Minimal living, creates more time for these things.


But having grown up in an environment of scarcity, it was an easy transition in living with less things, aiming to live, with the things that you need, not want. It's a work in progress for me, Minimal living. It's not always easy to let go. There are some things I hold onto. Books been one of them, I have a love for them and growing up, I never had many. I would get library books instead. Which of course was great, but I dreamed of having my own library one day.

That to me, was a sign of success in life. To have my own little library, which I kind of have. They are the one thing that I have in excess. My books. Even though I don't have that many, I've no desire to part with them and yes there are a few more that I would like, not novels though. Books that empower and educate me. That enrich my life.

The main thing for me was to move away from being dependent on money. To take responsibility for my own life. It took me a long time to understand that money could be of service to my life and not something that corrupt one's life. Of course it has the potential too, if you are not mindful about the way in which you use it. It was easy for me to not value money. To scorn it even, as the root of many of the world's problems.


Growing up in scarcity, in a scarcity of emotional well being, left me feeling unworthy. So it was easier for me to see money as being bad, because deep down I didn't believe I deserved to have anything in service of my life. It was what I was used to, what I grew up with. Not feeling loved or supported in my own home.

So having less, was always easy for me, but not always for the right reasons. I have been wronging on that, these last few years. There is not much I would change with my life, but there are some things I will change and they need money. Money which is in service of my life. That will aid me, in providing for myself and my girls.

This is my response, to the following question, from the Minimalsit community.....

Ask yourself which part of your human experience is in dire need of transformation. And how is your minimalist practice helping (or hindering) you?

(The photos in this post are mine.)

 24 days ago  

Minimalist Cover Gif-5.jpg

 24 days ago  

It's certainly not the it? :)Scarcity and minimal living, and personally, I think you're still being true to yourself and your principles if you're finding ways to provide for your girls. How could you not be?
This is lovely. I'm glad to see you around!!

Thank you lovely.
I'm trying to be more active on here, also trying to re connect with some lovely folk as well, yourself included xxx

Living in scarcity and living minimally are very different animals indeed. I've never had much fiat money for most of my life, and while I did feel a lot of frustration around that, now I'm grateful that I am able to get by with so little of it. It helps me stay under the radar, so to speak. I also struggled, and still do somewhat, with not feeling worthy of having so much. Now, as long as I can cover my needs, with some overflow for important things that I want, I'm fine. What I'm building and growing here on Hive will soon eclipse anything that I've made in fiat, and I'm deeply grateful for that.

Oh books. I collected a great many of them growing up, and through the earlier portion of my life, and I've always had a deep love for them. Now, after having let my library go, I realize that I no longer need them, even though my appreciation for them is the same. Meaningful human connections and relationships are what I desire most now.

I wish you and your girls and an exceptionally excellent new week, @trucklife-family! 😁🙏💚✨🤙


Thank you @tydynrain, sounds like we have lived similar lives. I have never had much fiat money either, yet it does flow when I need it, just enough. I'm trying to move out of this mindset of just having enough, for my girls mostly, as I want them to be able to explore different things and unfortunately some of those things need money.
Thanks so much for all the support xxxx

Of course, @trucklife-family, you're always most welcome! It would appear so, yes, I've noticed! I do very much understand wanting more resources to be able to provide greater opportunities for your girls, and I wish you immense success in that! You're so very welcome again, and it's my honor, pleasure, and privilege to help support you, even in this small way! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


@trucklife-family! @tydynrain Loves walking/running, and wants to motivate your stride as well! so I just sent 0.1 STR to your account on behalf of @tydynrain.

Keep your stride high!

Stride Logo

@trucklife-family! @tydynrain Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @tydynrain.

Indeed Logo

@trucklife-family! @tydynrain Wants to spread Hope! so I just sent 1 HOP to your account on behalf of @tydynrain.

Since we think the world can use more Hope, you can now already start spreading Hope yourself!

Hope Logo

@tydynrain just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @trucklife-family! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

You can query your personal balance by !DIYSTATS

@trucklife-family! @tydynrain Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @tydynrain.

Indeed Logo

@tydynrain just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your post dear @trucklife-family! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

You can query your personal balance by !DIYSTATS

Here's part of my library :-)

Oh My God!! Sidney Sheldon is my favorite author of all time!!
And The Sands of Time was the first of his books I read ( I eventually read them all 😅)

Your library looks amazing.

The books are in such excellent condition! I'm already sold seeing that Shock Wave.🥹

That's a great looking library I hope you are well xxx

I do understand how it is indeed. How you would feel undeserving of certain things since it had always been a primary lack in your childhood. I wish a lot of good things come to you and your girls, friend. You deserve it...and more.🌺

Ah thank you @jhymi, It's always lovely to connect with you. I hope you are doing well my friend xxx

@trucklife-family! @tydynrain Wants to spread Hope! so I just sent 1 HOP to your account on behalf of @tydynrain.

Since we think the world can use more Hope, you can now already start spreading Hope yourself!

Hope Logo

Living in scarcity, over here, is a death sentence. But you gotta love life and its diverse ways. In this third world country, I have grown with very less. Worked for even lesser, but having any less would spell disaster. Very easy to be taken advantage of. I don’t even know if I’m making sense.

But anyway, I have accepted that I need money to make any sort of impact in this world and sadly, I don’t have much of it but fortunately, I’ve learned to live life even without it

You are making a lot of sense. I understand that there are many that are just surviving with regards to the money they are able to make. Thank you for sharing, your experience. I love how you have said that regardless you have to love life and that is true. Gratitude is so important xxx

Nice piece

Coming from a home where money was not in abundance, I understand how it is safer to shun the idea of money and not think so much about it. But growing is realizing that money is only an amplifier. If you have bad qualities, money will only allow you express them openly. If you are filled with good qualities, money will bring them out to the public.

So money isn't necessarily the problem, it's just something that Brings out the problem, if there is one.

Exactly, thank you @zitalove. Money is only an amplifier xxx