Hi, I'm new here. 🙃
New to The Minimalist community, that is. Got ushered into Hive in 2022, and yet there are communities I haven't come across. Encountered two just within the hour and I'm like 'what!?' There's so much blogging I could've done in these communities. I look forward to a warm welcome.
° I saw a reblog about the week's prompt and that's really what I came over to write about. It seems as though that'll remain in the past tense. Or, in general, maybe this would capture that prompt.
Hi, again. I'm Uchelee (it's a nickname, the name is Uchenna), and I'm a Minimalist. Hehe, autocorrect means to say that I'm a member of this community, cool. But I meant it as an adjective. Being a minimalist helped me through school. Here's an indebt blog about school.
TLDR: my dad said, study Medicine, I said no, I'll study law. At the time though, I was a child and had to go with his instructions, but only partly. I studied Anatomy and when I finished, I moved on to pursue a career in Law. I funded my education. I had to 'cause no one was having any of it. The man of the house with the money, couldn't care less and still wanted me to be an MD, the woman of the house was out of a job and too broke to help.
° So, I had to work and school (the country is Nigeria, if you knew anything about the place, you'd know how much of a herculean task it is to work and study. It's not like there are any jobs for undergraduates anyway). Lucky for me, I had a degree certificate to flaunt and that helped. The one big activity that helped me was saving. This is of course very common knowledge in a community such as this, but there's more. Saving seems easy when there's a steady source of income and a lotbof stuff are incentivised, especially in developed countries. Not here though. My needs/wants were as many as the sands and I could barely afford them. They ranged from books to food, to just living and not merely existing, but I couldn't afford most of it. In order to avoid getting some of these things at all, or getting them in very small quantities, I saved. I'm not so disciplined that I could have access to money and not use it, haha, so I used this app that's kind of like a fixed deposit. It automatically takes money off my account for different plans like rent, tuition, etc. And I'd set a maturity date for due dates. Under no circumstances can users have access to the monies before the maturity date. Even a day before. Oh, how that helped me for many many years of footing education bills.
° Another thing I did was pretend to not want stuff. I asked myself questions like, "to what end? If you don't get this, would you disappear? Can you get this much later?" and so on...
And that is where I left off writing since the start of the year. So much has eaten into my time, head and recreational skills. It'll take a while to collect my thoughts and begin editing or writing again, and being an insufferable perfectionist, it may be another month before I deem this worthy, so I'll just publish it as is. Bad behaviour, I know :( but it's enough. I hope.
I'll be seeing more of you, and you me.
Until next time, xoxo.
🌻 🌻 🌻