Publishing Fears and How to Overcome Them

in Fiction Writing4 years ago

So, I thought I would make my first real post about one of my main loves - writing! The truth is, I have a LOT of interests, so my topics may well dart around a bit - but bear with me - I do hope there will be something here for everyone!

Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

Think about your favourite writers. How do you feel when you know they have a new book being released? It's usually something like, "HURRY UP, I CAN'T WAIT ANYMORE!" right?

And then there's us. The writers - whether first time publishers or seasoned - who wonder if anyone will feel that way about OUR books one day.

We write, pouring our hearts and souls into our stories. We edit them, we get a cover, we write the dreaded blurb (I'm talking self-publishing here, but it counts for traditionally published authors too), and we get our release date organised.

Then the panic sets in. Will anyone be excited for my book? Will anyone want to read it, or will it just get scrolled on by in the sea of other books that are out there?

Writers are amongst the most over-thinky people on the planet - I suspect that's WHY we write. It gets out some of our lurking emotions. But that fear never goes away whether it's book 1 or book 20.

So, how to get over it?

Firstly, get yourself a tribe (urgh, I kinda hate that word, but it's fitting in this context!). Find a circle of friends who are also writers. People you can trust. People who have been there and will hold your hand - albeit virtually most of the time. These friends are invaluable. They will tell you the things you already know deep down - you'll just find it sounds better coming from someone else!

Secondly, be confident in your work. That is the hardest thing to do, but it's what you need. You have GOT to have 100% faith that what you're putting out there is the best it can be. In reality, no matter what you do, someone won't like it - but as long as you know you wrote from your soul, you CAN be confident.

Thirdly, jumping off from point 2 - think of your favourite author. Then pop along to Amazon and check their reviews. There is not an author in the world who has five star reviews on every book, from every reviewer. This is not to point out another author's flaws, this is to show you that critics are gonna critique. If you know this in advance, you are one step ahead of the game. Be prepared for it.

Are these tips foolproof? Of course not. Because, for me, they are the main three things that will set you up for a much more pleasant career.


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Great first post keep it up

Thank you! :D

Secondly, be confident in your work. That is the hardest thing to do, but it's what you need. You

Sometimes, I write with a lot of enthusiasm and after finishing the piece, I look at it and wonder if it's good enough? Indeed the hardest thing to do is to be confident in your work.