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RE: We have a sprout

Your plant looks about 30 seconds away from going moldy.

Overwatering is a VERY common mistake for beginners. Have you been watering everyday? Every other day? You should water like once a week or less.

Here's my advice take it or leave it: Put your finger deep into the soil today. Do you feel moisture at all? Then it's not time to water. Wait till the soil is almost completely dry then water. Do this every time to see when to water. Your leaves really shouldn't look like they do on the tip. They might die. You can tell from the picture the soil is wet af. Don't water for at least 5 days.

It's also possible your room is too dirty. Remove everything you can from the room and scrub the walls and floor Etc.

I appreciate you letting me critique your grow and I promise you from experience your plant is a baby step away from dying from mold. It might survive though. Like I said it's the most common mistake.