Some moments in the beauty of grass flowers!

Beauty is not about being stuck to one particular thing. Sometimes it's the little things that fascinate us. Sometimes trivial things attract us so much that we easily become fascinated by them. There are so many trivial objects around us that are sometimes enough to fascinate us. Like it is a grass flower. We all know that grasshoppers are tiny and trivial things that we always avoid. But if you take some time to enjoy them or try to do photography with your mobile camera, you will see how beautiful they sometimes become and how they create a good feeling in your mind even for a few moments. They may be grassy and insignificant but they are no less beautiful.




Although I don't know its exact name. But it is known as grass flower in our region. Especially if you live in a village, such flowers will be seen occasionally on the village streets. Sometimes you can find these types of flowers on village roads or in different crop fields. These flowers look very beautiful even though they are very small in size. Sometimes we see such flowers around us. Although we do not care for these flowers as much as other flowers we do not have them in hand but they are extraordinary in beauty and not less in any respect.




However, these flowers are not always available. Sometimes such flowers are seen on the side of the road. But sometimes when they come in sight, it feels good for a while. These small flowers looked pretty and when I photographed them with the mobile camera, they were even more beautiful on the mobile camera. These small-sized flowers are sometimes seen on the village streets, but most of the people in our village cannot tell what it is exactly called. But it is called by different names regionally.


I tried to do a search. I think it's called Melochia corchorifolia