Just getting out of the house is nice, especially for mommy who isn't worming m~f.
Most people don't want to see photos of industry or garbage ruining nature, but it's probably more accurate.
Just getting out of the house is nice, especially for mommy who isn't worming m~f.
Most people don't want to see photos of industry or garbage ruining nature, but it's probably more accurate.
After floods here it is all we will see for months to come, beaches are being cleaned, still raining so more will wash down!
Less industry and garbage would be great even though we know it won't happen, it is there in plain sight, hope the air is at least clean for baby.
I was reading about those floods, nasty business.
Every few years the river parks flood here, but the city itself is protected and most people forget that it happens. The riverside shops and toilets are all designed to float or be towed away when it's expected.
Sad most don't think of consequences of their actions, very human thing to only satisfy oneself without further thought.
At lease your 'port-o-potties' float 😃, or steered away!