Caffeine. And a Lot of Green...

I'm not a regular coffee drinker. In fact, I rarely indulge in coffee. The last time I developed a habit was about six years ago when I mixed caffeine consumption with RedBull, loads of sugar, and an overwhelming workload.

That toxic concoction had a negative impact on my life, prompting me to quit coffee and RedBull entirely... until a few weeks ago.




I have a friend who's a coffeeholic and always brings coffee along when we hit the gym in the morning. He started making some for me, and initially, I had a cup every two to three days, then every couple of days.

Eventually, I found myself having a cup of coffee before every workout. While I don't need pre-workouts due to sufficient sleep, I fell into the unhealthy habit of relying on caffeine.

Unconsciously, my body started craving caffeine even on days when I didn't go to the gym. I couldn't understand why I had sudden urges for RedBull during my off days.



But now it's clear. As a non-coffee drinker, my mind tricked me into seeking RedBull for the daily dose of caffeine my body was yearning for. Before I knew it, I was experiencing restlessness and poor sleep once again.

Today, I finally said NO to the coffee my gym buddy offered. I don't know what it's like to be a regular coffee drinker, nor do I want to become one.



So, what about the photos?

Well, they're simply a collection of pictures I took during my walk. After an energizing gym session, I decided to take a stroll. Despite the almost daily rain we've been experiencing, the lush greenery looks even more vibrant.

Anyway, it's time for me to hit the shower now. I wish you all a fantastic day, and I'll see you next time.

Thanks for your attention,


Glad you managed to stop drinking and the harmful combination of coffee and redbull, I too have a similar problem with drinking cola, I can't stop drinking at least a litre and a half daily.

Zaharu e de vina la cola.

Din cauza zaharului vine si pofta de mancare, probabil daca a-si reunta la zahar in cantitati mari probabil pofta de mancare ar mai scadea plus ca si in greutate a-si putea scadea, dar trebuie o vointa puternica.

Fa treaba asta treptat.

Datorita efectelor negative asupra sanatati mele va trebui sa iau decizia de a renunta la viciile astea daunatoare, sincer imi este foarte greu.