Chioggia...seaside town

Chioggia almost represents a miniature Venice, it has its canals, the famous calle and the bridges that cross them.
Chioggia is a small town in the province of Venice and is very famous for its beaches ...



During the Christmas period it becomes even more beautiful as a village because exhibitions of nativity scenes are set up, although this year much less due to the pandemic.
As you can see from the photos, even during the day the village has its charm with all these fishing boats just returned from fishing.



this person stole my photos and made a post after me!!@curangel @derangedvisions @badge-696969
@crazy-andy @castleberry @acidyo

We got you covered! Thanks for keeping an eye out and letting us know. It's hammer time...

thanks, I had published my post the day before ... steals photos from other profiles as well.

I am sorry you had to deal with this. I am not aware of the other photos stolen... but they lost their badge and we are reporting them to all the appropriate blacklists. We are going to mute them and i have downvoted anything they have with a payout. Hang in there and don't be discouraged. Sadly, they didn't even pick your best photos to use! smh