From Heatwave to Deluge | Street Photography Downtown


Hello, everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend and conquering the heatwave, if you happen to be living inside one. For the past two weeks we had nothing but cataclysmic high temperatures that were presented in the media to be in high 30s (C) but felt more like being close to 50 degrees. On the concrete streets of the city it's like a chamber, the hot weather is melting the ground and elevating back into the space we occupy. The only time you can get anything done without exhaustion is before 8 and after 20h. Everyone was wishing for escape to nature these days.

Well luckily it seems like it's behind us now but only for a week before the wave comes back again. Yesterday I was visiting friends downtown and took few hours to walk around and photograph. It coincided with the huge deluge that fell and shook up the hibernating people.

Dark clouds were covering the sky for hours and right when I thought the rain will go around us, it collapsed down. I had an umbrella but it didn't help prevent my feet from getting all wet. That's what I get for wanting to chase cool moments instead of the shelter. :D But street photographers are used to it, we've seen and experienced all weather.

There were a lot of people running around, using any prop they find to cover their head, but unfortunately I don't always find myself at the right place at the right time for a great capture.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy these pre-, during and post-rain shots made with Fuji X-Pro2 and 35mm lens.
















Wow! These are beautiful photos, I love most of it, especially, the dog photo where the man stand and the other dog was in his back, this is creativity 🥰🙏

Thank you very much! :) One dog hides from the rain, while the other enjoys it haha. It was a fun time shooting.

Yes, you are right, continue to have a good time 🥰🙏

really nice pictures! I love it specially when started to rain and people get capture with smiles in their faces"!!

I love photography a lot and your pictures have been great watching.
The dog behind the lady I wonder what he wants😂😂

The first picture really got me like the reflection of those vehicle light on the flor and the shinning ground due to to rain. it was captured well. Kudos to the photographer

The photos in the rain have I don't know what, but they are beautiful. 🤩