Hey, everyone! I'm slowly starting to get back on the streets more after a long drought period of laziness. In a week I have a scheduled 6-day trip to Prague and Budapest which will ignite my passion additionally. And hopefully provide some interesting photographs to show here. :)
Starting with my favorite shot above - well-dressed girl browsing through books in a bookstore.
Heavy rain chased me under this monument of St. Nemanja. I used it to frame the old railway station that's next to it.
Yesterday's sunny morning. I was a bit late and couldn't avoid some harsh light. Here the shadows fell nicely and with the interesting floor and background I waited for a figure to pass by. Can't believe these masks are still ruining my shots occasionally after 3 years.
Woman and here dog coming back home after a morning walk.
Construction workers taking a break.
Shooting at the bus stop, leaning against the glass to get the symmetrical reflection of the passing tram.
Clean background, harsh light, dark shadows makes for some nice contrasty shot.
I headed to the Church of St. Sava which is the most magnificent of its kind in the world. Religious or not, you can't help but feel incredibly peaceful and mesmerized when you are inside.
Light is coming through windows of the dome and shows in small patches on the floor, like a beam from an alien ship.
The Church is built at the place where it's believed Ottoman Grand Vizier Sinan Pasha burned the relics of Saint Sava, most important figure and the founder of Serbian orthodox church.
Flowers are blooming in a Kalemegdan park garden. Two ladies behind are enjoying the view of the city.
Crowded buses in the afternoon, sunlight was nicely illuminating the face of the young lady.
A group of tourists enjoying the city panorama from the high hill at the Kalemegdan fortress, with the status of victor visible in front. I used the tree leaves to from the subjects and hide some of the bright sky.
This couple is wearing some interesting outfit, they certainly stand out in the crowded street of Knez Mihailo.
Hope you enjoyed at least some of the photographs. :) See you next time.
Really enjoyed your street photography! It’s one of my favorite photography forms. I wish I was good at it. I always seem to capture people looking at my weirdly as if the are thinking “Hey, I didn’t give my permission for you to take my picture.”
So many great shots here. I love the woman in the book shop, the guy walking in the angled light across the checkered floor, the construction workers, and the picture of the child with the teddy bear, looking backward while mom is distracted on her phone.
Hey, Jayna, sorry for the late reply! Street photography can definitely be intimating, especially at first. I find it that the best way to deal with it is to focus on your attitude. First of all, have an idea why you are making the photo so you can explain if necessary. Maybe you saw an interesting moment, nice background etc. If you are at ease and positive and smiling, people will not mind, they might be curious or flattered. :) As long as you don't bother them for long, you have nothing to worry about. It helps when you are in a bigger city where people are used to cameras everywhere.
With the architecture of the church is very unique, beautiful I am a Catholic this place is a peaceful place and it makes us less tired and depressed when coming to God. The pictures you took are so beautiful
Thank you very much! Whether someone is a believer or not, it's impossible to be in such a profound, magnificent monument and not feel some sort of connection with the divine and the whole universe.
Just some funny thoughts. Is it considered stealing, if we take someone's photos without their permission?😆. Anyway, I enjoyed all of your magnificent photographs🙏
Thank you! If you mean in your own blog posts, it is necessary to check with the original owner and of course, give credit to any photo that does not belong to you.
These are some crazy street shots 😍
Glad you enjoyed them! :)
I saw "Robna Kuca" and hoped that they still existed in the form as when I was small... but then the Panda ruined my hopes hahaha
Ow, yeah, that couple was wearing some cool clothes. A pity they had plastic bags in their hands. If not, we could imagine them coming from another times ;)
Ah yes, I remember those, we were just recently reminiscing about those stores and markets from our youth. :D Simpler times, now you have so many choices everywhere.
Lovely shots! I guess the best places where you can discover all kinds of interesting people are either in the bookstores or buses but from what you posted, the first pic is my favorite too :)
That's true. :) It's fun to watch other people and create stories in your mind based on what you see. Sometimes they are probably far from the truth but nevertheless. :)