In the beginning of the week I had a few days on my own.
Living in a van together is great and I don't want to have it any other way right now, but from time to time it's just as great to be alone ^^My companion @paradigmprospect was staying with our dear friend @trayan, and I went up the mountain again to be in nature. I had to think about some things and I really had the need to be alone for a while to center myself again.
The first day was quite warm and sunny but the next days were mostly grey and rainy and foggy.
I didn't mind, I enjoyed my time staying inside, listening to my audio book and drawing one mandala after the other :-)
On the most rainy day of all, shortly before sunset, the rain stopped and I caught a tiny glimpse of sunlight through the window of the van.
So I stepped out of the van and walked up the mountain a bit. And the most stunning view opened up!
The whole place was filled with golden sunlight and the tiny raindrops on the trees and plants twinkled like a thousand glittering gemstones!
It really was a magical scenery!
I wish the photos could transfer the feeling better, that I had. I hope I can give you just a little impression of the atmosphere in that moment <3
(and I hope you're not tired of seeing sunset photos already ^^)
Cool shots. This looks like a magical area to be in. I love the fog. It creates a really cool atmosphere.
Thanks! It really is a magical place up there, maybe my favorite spot in Bulgaria so far.
Beautiful light on these amazing landscapes..!Love the surreal and magical feel 😊
Thank you! <3 It kind of felt like the whole scenery was only there for me, for I was the only one up there that day :-)
Nice, nice, nice...
What else to say?
Sunsets are amazing and you did an amaz8ng job capturing one.
Other photos are great too.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much! So many kind words <3
Big hugs!
nice shots! I love sunset shots.. especially when they look this magical :)
Thank you!
Yeah, I was very lucky to be there at the right moment :-)