Am I an artist? SP- 2/4 [ENG-PTBR]

Hello again!

Today I came to show you the best part of my art exhibition: the art!
The main ideia was show the world by my eyes to people that lives here in Petrópolis- Rio de Janeiro (where I'm living now), so I started by showing the state where I was born.
Starting this way was important for me, because there is a singer who says "there is no love in São Paulo" and in Brazil everyone calls my city "the jungle of stones", so I wanted to show that there is love there and beautiful things there too!

My head is spinning,
So many ideas and possibilities
That only hash to clear the mind, like indigo.
Then it's smoke that goes up,
Creativity that descends.
That blooms, that goes.
It is courage to expose,
to relearn to how open one's heart
For another kind of love.
There are days resisting
And there are days reluctant.
Against what exactly?
I'll find out when the bud sprouts from the seed.

Ubatuba- São Paulo. Canon T6 kit lens

Ubatuba- São Paulo

Ubatuba- São Paulo. Canon T6 kit lens

Ubatuba- São Paulo

Barra do Sahy- São Paulo. Canon T6 kit lens

Barra do Sahy- São Paulo

Boracéia- São Paulo. Canon T6 kit lens

Boracéia- São Paulo

Paúba- São Paulo. Canon T6 kit lens

Paúba- São Paulo

Canon T6 kit lens

São Paulo- São Paulo

Canon T6 kit lens

São Paulo- São Paulo

Canon T6 kit lens

São Paulo- São Paulo

Canon T6 kit lens

São Paulo- São Paulo

Canon T6 kit lens

Picture taken in Copan Bilduing in São Paulo- São Paulo

So, after these photos would you visit the state where I borned? Tell me in the comments!

Click Here for Part 1

A especial thanks to my brother for all support during these caotic process, @cinnartmon
About the pics: most of them I took with my camera (canon T6, kit lens 18-55mm) or with my cell phone at the time (I don't remember exactly the models because some pictures are already more than 8 years!)