Failed Attemps To Shoot The Moon Came Out As Fire In The Sky

I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with this but when I tried taking photos of the moon for the first time my camera kept showing "loading". I believe it has to do with the moon being the "only" source of light in this photo where I was away from any artificial lights, I don't know, but I think if I had a tripod then the camera could've got it well if it wasn't shaky.

I really wanted to get this perfect photo of the moon as if it was a png element on a black background 😂 guess I wasn't lucky enough

There's still so much about cameras and photography that I want to learn because the more I talk to experienced photographers I'm more convinced it's more about the photographer and less about the camera.

The camera used: Canon M50 Mark 2















Just wanted to share with you my experience in gaining some traction with your page here on hive.

If you find time you need to start establishing connections with people through conversations and interaction. The hive blockchain rewards people for upvoting others and engaging in community events. There are many big photography groups here on hive, whom have their own hashtags that you need to use in order be seen.

You already have a great format which is photo-blogging, which does really really really well here.

If you can but engage more with the blockchain here, and it's people, intergrating yourself into the communities, making yourself known by others (by chatting to folks), even shadowing other successful photographers here and see how they do things, i am sure you will succeed here.

Here's a few photographers that come to mind @slobberchops @honeydue @trucklife-family @pranavinaction @clareartista @miingjazz @riverflows @tarazkp @valued-customer @daretodefy @wesphilbin

Not all of these excellent peoples are photographers, but we may learn something from their example.

Alright keep chillin!

@anassharkawwy Also it's worth thinking about documenting life in Egypt on a more...deeper level.

As someone living in England, i don't hear much about Egypt these days. Unless i log onto some alt-tech "conspiracy" content creators, which is filled with doom, gloom and shrooms, i would very much like to see more citizen journalism engaged. Topics such as current living situation, economic situation, down to earth conversations with fellow know things like this, as well as your growth as a photographer.

Do you know the function of an artist in society? I once read a very good magician book (i was 18 years a performing magician) titled "THE STRUCTURAL CONCEPTION OF MAGIC" by Arturo De Ascanio, one of the forefathers of modern close up card magic in Spain back probably 50 years ago. In the book there was an interview with a friend of his and they were discussing this very question.

I like Pablo Picasso's quote on this subject: "The mission of the artist is to convince the world of his lie". All art forms are a conspiracy against the lay...whether it be a photography, a video, a blog article, a piece of music, a piece of illustration, whatever. But in the endeavour of convincing the world of our lies we refine our natural instincts and authentic self expression. Picasso also said that "art is a lie that helps us see the truth". The truth of your expression, your perspective and how you project that outwards.

Hoping this gives you some food for thought.

That makes so much sense to me. Documenting life in Egypt is something I always wanted to do, especially that Egypt has a lot of beautiful spots most people never heard of. I'm still knowing more about the content I'd love to do for a lifetime and in the meantime I'm just sharing my days and thoughts with the world. Again, thanks for continuously guiding me through photography and the Hive Ecosystem, I really appreciate that ♥️

Got you bro. That is so helpful and I just followed them all now. Thanks again

It would be wise to also read up on what HIVE and HIVE BACKED DOLLARS are. How the hive eco system works here.

articles by @geekgirl @taskmaster4450 are very helpful.

Also dont forget to stake your hive coins into HIVE POWER once you get em, to benefit the blockchain everytime you engage in upvoting. The more HP you have, the more vote value your votes have (which means the more you reward others for using this blockchain, not to mention you get a portion of this reward back yourself from your own upvoting - this way we keep the ecosystem alive).

I'm a bit familiar with Hive power and how Hive works, I'm still learning more about different communities now because they have their own rules and what not. The reason I do is I had a steem account 3 years ago and it's almost a copy of Hive.

You're an OG!

I think I have posted a handful of pics I took in all my 7 years here. Thanks though?