People of Badami , Patadakkal and Aihole.

Most people that know about Badami , Patadakkal and Aihole as historically important and rich places. They serve so much to the present and contributed so much to the history and architecture of India. Yes , ofcourse it's all of these things. But there's more to all of these places than just being a UNESCO world heritage site. There's more to the people and built fabric.
This was my first trip that I was going on without my parents and well well well , I was very excited for this trip. My uncle gave being a professional photographer gave me his professional camera and I couldn't be more happier.

The gear I used
My phone: pixel 4 a
Camera: Nikon d750
Lens: 24-120mm lens.

Yes , I agree all these locations have so much to offer. We get to see the intricatly ornamented exterior and much more. But without the people and settlements around I don't think these locations would be what it is. The geography , the settlements , the people and the built monuments it self give it full context.


Walking through the streets on the trip was that one thing I was looking forward to since day one. I wanted to experience the people , the animals , the houses and everything at human eye level. What I mean by this is that , you don't look at it from a distance, or from the top of the monument. Ofcourse you and I would be alien to them and we too are in an alien place. But that's what makes it fun and mysterious.
I spoke to a few people ofcourse. It was a soulful and wonderful experience. My friends and I spoke to two old women. We had such a great conversation with them. It was too late for lunch and they offered to prepare rotis for all of us. One more old woman offered us dry fruit besan ladoo. They tasted so good. And ao rich.

It's like this you know , not all people you might are going to offer you food or blessings but everyone there are really sweet and kind.


This one old man we spoke to - asked us where we were from and we told him our city. He told us that his leg hurts and that he wants to comes to Mangalore to work and asked if he could come with us , because there was not enough food for them there. Which was kind of the sad part for us. But we couldn't do anything. If only we had carried some food with us , we could share it them.

Two women offered us raw green gram pods to munch on. It reminded me of my grandma's home because I would munch on them as a kid.

I saw so much , I talked so much , I smiled so much , I photographed even more. This trip let me see so much and absorb even more. I felt so alive after meeting the people around , I believe that's what made my trip so much worthy to go on.
For the sake of this post , I chose the best ones for you all to see. I hope you all like them. Show some support in the comments. Thank you so much and I'll see you all in my next post !