In the Flower of Life

When girls stop being little and approach their teenage years, they start wanting to show their beauty and be admired by the people around them. Some of them choose being a model as a career and enjoy a photoshoot with a lot of enthusiasm. Others wait for an important date such as their 15th birthday and there they overflow their talents for modeling and fashion wardrobe. This is the case of this beautiful Cuban girl living in the United States, who traveled to the most photogenic city in the world, Havana, to share this special moment in her life with our beloved capital.


Very nice my friend the view of masjid nabbi in your city looks amazing. Also the house scenes with the car look more awesome. Excellent photography skills I respect. May God bless you always. Thank you so much for gifting us with some of the best photography poses of this wonderful nature of the creator. My love and respect to you and your family. I hope you have a nice healthy day.really very nice city.

best regards @mdakash62

Appreciate the kindness in your comment, the suggestions and the necessary support. Thanks!!!

you are most welcome my dear friend thank you very much for your kind word

Buena iluminación que lograste, me gustó mucho el resultado final que pudiste obtener

Gracias miles!!! El atardecer ayuda mucho, tanto las luces naturales como las artificiales de la ciudad que ya están encendidas a esa hora. Saludos!!!