📷 On The Track Of Herbs

Hello dear friends,

Recently I was out early in the morning in the adjacent forest. I had a beastly headache, which with me is almost always triggered by tension in the neck area, and the only thing I can do then is to take a leisurely walk in nature. During my walk I came across an interesting collection of plants, which I - completely haphazard - interpreted as wild garlic.


Hallo liebe Freunde,

kürzlich war ich früh morgens im angrenzenden Wald unterwegs. Ich hatte tierische Kopfschmerzen, die bei mir fast immer durch Verspannungen im Nackenbereich ausgelöst werden, und das einzige, was ich dann noch machen kann, ist gemütlich in der Natur umeinander zu schleichen. Bei meinem Gang stieß ich auf eine interessante Ansammlung von Pflanzen, die ich - völlig planlos - als Bärlauch deutete.



So I made a photo without further ado and sent it to the plant connoisseur and hiver in rest mode "faltermann". I could even feel virtually via the Messenger, how he must have thrown his hands together over his head. :-) Because the supposed wild garlic field turned out to be a collection of the deadly poisonous autumn crocus (photo above). But if you know the plants, you can easily distinguish the two species.

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Also habe ich kurzer Hand ein Foto gemacht und es dem Pflanzenkenner und Hiver im Ruhemodus "faltermann" geschickt. Ich konnte selbst über den Messenger virtuell fühlen, wie er die Hände über dem Kopf zusammengeschlagen haben muß. :-) Denn das vermeintliche Bärlauchfeld entpuppte sich als eine Ansammlung der tödlich giftigen Herbstzeitlose (Foto oben). Wenn man die Pflanzen kennt, kann man die beiden Arten aber gut unterscheiden.



Now my thirst for knowledge was awakened. Still in the same week I was with faltermann in the so-called kingdom of heaven on the road. Here I got a proper introduction to the world of meadow herbs. It is amazing what is edible and what is dismissed as a weed. Quite honestly, I would not have dreamed of that. The table is really richly covered by nature.

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Nun war meine Wissensbegierde geweckt. Noch in der selben Woche war ich mit faltermann im sogenannten Himmelreich unterwegs. Hier habe ich mal eine zünftige Einweisung in die Welt der Wiesenkräuter bekommen. Es ist schon erstaunlich, was alles essbar ist und als Unkraut abgetan wird. Ganz ehrlich, das hätte ich mir nicht träumen lassen. Der Tisch ist von der Natur wirklich reichlich gedeckt.


Shortly thereafter, I set out on my bike to carefully apply what I had just learned. In the picturesque Grünenwört I entered the forest. The wood anemones already bloomed in full splendor and announced the spring unmistakably. But I didn't get far, because after only about 100 meters I had to stop because I came across a huge wild garlic plantation. A real gold vein. I have cycled past the place x times without having an eye for this treasure of nature.

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Kurz darauf habe ich mich mit dem Rad auf den Weg gemacht, um das neu Erlente vorsichtig anzuwenden. Im malerischen Grünenwört bin ich in den Wald eingedrungen. Die Buschwindröschen blühten schon in voller Pracht und kündigen den Frühling unübersehbar an. Weit bin ich aber nicht gekommen, denn schon nach ca. 100 Metern musste ich anhalten, weil ich auf eine riesige Bärlauchnaturplantage gestoßen war. Eine echte Goldader. Ich bin an der Stelle schon x-mal vorbeigeradelt, ohne eine Auge für diesen Schatz der Natur zu haben.



By the way, the deadnettle on the cover picture (left) is also edible. The deadnettle looks like a cobra, which wants to get down on the beautiful blue flower ;-)

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Die Taubnessel auf dem Titelbild (links) ist übrigens auch essbar. Die Taubnessel sieht aus wie eine Cobra, die sich über die schöne blaue Blüte hermachen will. ;-)


I can actually determine mushrooms quite passably. However, not this species, but I think they are very photogenic.

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Mit Pilzen kenne ich mich ja einigermaßen gut aus. Allerdings nicht mit Trameten und Porlingen. Aber man kann die Biester gut ablichten. ;-)


I hope you liked my little foray through the Franconian nature. Who has not yet heard my current single, can check out this Youtube video. About reactions and constructive criticism I would be very happy.

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Ich hoffe, Euch hat mein kleiner Streifzug durch die fränkische Natur gefallen. Wer meine aktuelle Single noch nicht gehört hat, kann hier mal ein Ohr drauf werfen. Über Reaktionen und konstruktive Kritik würde ich mich sehr freuen.

Andy Jay Powell Spotify
Andy Jay Powell YouTube Channel 1
Andy Jay Powell On Odysee
Andy Jay Powell On DTube
Andy Jay Powell On BitTube

🔊 🔊 🔊 Follow @andyjaypowell 🔊 🔊 🔊


Wieder toller Post. BGvB.

Allerbesten Dank, lieber balte!!! :-)


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Schön daß Du wieder vorbeigeschaut hast, lieber indextrader.


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Sehr schöne Bilder!

Bei dem Insekt handelt es sich übrigens um einen "Violetten Ölkäfer" (Meloe violaceus).

Vielen Dank.

Zum Glück kannst Du mein mangelndes Wissen auf dem Gebiet der Insekten hier noch ausgleichen. Sehr gut!! :-)


@tipu curate

Thank you very much, dear Claudio :-)


I've never seen a wild garlic field before but no doubt nature always finds new ways to surprise us no matter how much time we are used to spend with her. Lovely shots! :)

I've definitely seen the wild garlic fields in the past. Since I could not determine the plant, I always overlooked them. ;-)

Plants looks amazing growing up, and yeah we can also keep calm our mind while walking in the nature. Amazing photography

Nature rules. thx :-) ;-)

This post was upvoted by the Nature Lovers Community

Thank you very much!

Awesome! I have encountered some Garlic Vines in our wilderness here but they don't bear any Garlic, haha. Their smell is similar, tho. There are also lots of that same kind of mushrooms here. Is it edible? Well, we just let them grow anywhere. Beautiful shots, by the way.

Awesome! I have encountered some Garlic Vines in our wilderness here but they don't bear any Garlic, haha. Their smell is similar, tho. There are also lots of that same kind of mushrooms here. Is it edible? Well, we just let them grow anywhere. Beautiful shots, by the way.

I do not believe that these are edible mushrooms. Quite sure even. But they are really beautiful ;-)

Dear Andy @andyjaypowell
I sincerely hope the walk helped you cure your headache and reduce the stress in the neck region.
being in the midst of nature is indeed the best remedy for so many ailments that we suffer from.
I am sure it helps you get creative inspiration for your music too.
Another place to get plenty of inspiration and more opportunities to interact with potential audiences is leo threads one such example is
where some of your forest photos can be a conversation starter for sure and who knows get plenty more people making a beeline for your awesome music.
let me know if you need any help in getting started with leo threads.
Here is a quick guide
You can reach out to me at any time and I would be glad to assist you.
I loved your music. I listened to it as I read your post.

Thank you for these praising and uplifting words ;-)

I created a thread to get your music some more exposure on leo threads
Please check this thread here
It is quite possible we have some future fans of your here expressing their views and getting exposed to your music.
You can use hive keychain to login to the threads section and interact with these people.
Could be a nice one on one between a music creator you and music appreciators (potential fans ) on threads.
Let me know if I can be of any assistance.

It's always refreshing to see such stunning images of our natural world, especially during times when we may not have the opportunity to explore it ourselves. Thanks for bringing that up!

One should take every opportunity to spend time in nature.

you've amazing shots...incredible

Thank you very much! ;-)

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@indextrader24 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !


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beautiful photography of natural seen and specially I liked first image of the flowers.