Spiders as pets

Are spiders good pets?
Of course they are. In my opinion, they are the most easily maintained. Everything you need enclosure few sticks and spray pump for water..

Phippidus audax is type of spider I have.. Beautiful female around 8mm now.
They are most common spiders in North America.
My little peach is really active spider
This third picture is the enclosure where she is most of the time
I noticed that she is resting 3 times a day. 🙈 Who would say that.. Obviously they have some kind of order to


Mostly she spend time up in the enclosure. Like she i scared to go down..
I have her from Christmas time so for now she didn't molted yet.. As far as I know feeding her often with result that she will grow faster.. That means she will molt more often. As they storing energy from their prey

As my enclosure is near by my monitor i noticed that she is observing movements on the videos that im watching.. So clever little thing


She made few web sacks and she is changing her sleeping place often and still I don't know what is the reason for that behaviour..
If you have little fluffy spider that you want to show me tag me in your post I would like to see them
I hope you enjoyed in all of these pictures like I did while I was taking them 😍. Enjoy your day best regards from cold Ireland


This guy looks like a real little dude!!! The photos are tremendous 👏

Yeah. She is amazing. The best thing is that her enclosure is near my monitor so when something is moving on the screen she is looking too. 😆 Super funny to see

I love the little orange bands around the eyes. It makes them almost look like camera apertures. It's really cool that you have one of these tiny ones for a pet. I had a wild one not too long ago that would hang out with me while i sat at a bench working on Hive things. I would sit there for hours and it would walk around and circle my computer... climb up on the screen and down and back around again.

We hung out for a couple of days at the same place and around the same time. It was quite neat. I thought i had a friend more than a pet. Sometimes i would put it down close to some tiny little ants hoping it maybe wanted a snack or something. hahaha Those were some good times.

I would be curious to know what your native language is, since you mentioned it on one of my posts, so that way i could translate into your language every now and then?!
Keep up the great work and the stunning photography. I visited your website and you have some incredible shots. I really loved that Blueberry macroshot. Cheers

Oh thank you so much for your comment.. My first language is Croatian 😊🙈 no need of translating I perfectly understand English. Just sometimes is hard to put your thoughts in to text on English.. Sometimes there isn't appropriate words to describe it in English.. And yeah that little Crawling thing is super cute. Especially her eyes. I even made a painting of her last year like I knew I will buy a spider same as I made it on my painting 🎨

I just thought linguistically meeting you in the middle from time to time was only fair! Keep up the great work. =)

Still it is nice to read on my language some posts here😆🙈.. And thank you so much for your support it really means a lot 😊

To je najmanje što mogu učiniti. Vrlo ste dobrodošli za svu moju podršku. Imaš nevjerojatan talent. Kao što sam rekao, vaša web stranica ima nevjerojatne fotografije. Drago mi je što ste odabrali ovu zajednicu s kojom ćete podijeliti svoje vještine. Čuvaj se.

Jumping spider ❤️ Best macro model 😅😊

Oh. Definitely it is 😆 love them. Especially if they are pets 😆

it’s always fun taking shots of them 😂

Yay! 🤗
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Thank you so much and thank you @sketch.and.jam 😊🙏

What do you feed the little critter? Mine loves waxworms.

Every 3 days I give her big fly. Or catepillar that I find outside.. Luckily in Ireland winter isn't that much cold so I can find lots of flies outside

Lucky, over here is an ice box winter. I have to go to the pet store to get crickets or waxworms.

Oh believe you that. In Croatia winter is really strong. Sometimes it goes - 26°C but in Ireland where I'm now its - 1 for day or two. So Im lucky 😂 I forgot how winter can be in My home town and I'm definitely not complaining about it 😂