Hello Hivers and Photographers, I hope you had a great weekend. This Saturday we set off again for a final visit before the final signing of our house in the countryside. We've been working on our plan for over 5 years and I've been dreaming about it for over a decade, so that's how impatient we are !
For the occasion, I decided to put my 35mm lens back on my Nikon D5500 body and one of the first things that pleasantly surprised me, even before taking images, was how light it was! Frankly it was completely different from my 17-70mm zoom which must be over 400 grams heavier...
It was also nice to get back to something more rigorous in terms of photography, a setup that leaves plenty of possibilities but requires better positioning in relation to the subject and more attention to framing.
In addition, the day proved to be full of adventure as we returned to this area where soon - if all goes well - we will be able to start settling in. This is a part of Normandy in the north of France and more precisely in the Perche nature park to the west of Chartres. As we don't have a car yet, we're going by train and the estate agent will meet us there...
But let's start this picture novel !
As usual, we start from the Gare Montparnasse, which is overlooked by the tower of the same name...
I take advantage of our relative advance on the departure of the train to take some shots of the glass and metal facade of the station. But in the end, we are not that early.
When we arrive, the train is already almost crowded, but if we go a little ahead, we find two free seats without any problem.
As we left quite early, the day is still rising and the first images I take through the slightly green window of the train are those fields of rape as far as the eye can see.
Then we make a short stop in Chartres and I only have a few seconds before the train arrives at the station to take a picture of the famous cathedral in the mist.
Then the train leaves again and the stretches of fields follow one another. It may be very beautiful - graphically - but it's still an awful monoculture... But I'm revolutionizing the system at my level and I prefer to fight with my actions than with my refusal without putting forward any solutions !
We have arrived at La Loupe station, where we are getting off and will be getting off in the future. Behind the signpost you can see this beautiful line of rental cars.
Well arrived in the garden and while the real estate agent was opening the house, I took some pictures of the magnolia tree which is a real little tree and must be several decades old.
Small point about the house: There will not be many if any pictures of it. The reason is multiple, this time we had an appointment with craftsmen to discuss the work, so it was difficult to interrupt the discussions to take pictures. The second reason is twofold: with my 35mm lens you would have had shots with a faded corner of the wall and a bit of the floor and ceiling and no overall view to allow you to see the whole thing.
But rest assured, if all goes according to plan, you'll see enough of this house in the future, whether it's our renovations or our installation. A bit of patience..!
This article will therefore focus on the garden, the large plot and the surrounding views to give you a feel for the atmosphere of this piece of heaven next to the forest ! In the first picture, you can see the plot with the edge of the forest...
Here is the house seen from above, all surrounded by vegetation and therefore located at the bottom of the slope in a very quiet and peaceful little hamlet.
Another view of the edge of our land with our neighbour on the left and on the second picture, the apple orchard of the other neighbour.
Zoom in on an oak tree and its fresh, new leaves.
Here, at the bottom of the meadow, you have the first photographic appearance of my companion who has already taken a little advance on our tour.
Some shots of a European gorse - Ulex europaeus - being visited by a large and hairy bumblebee.
Here is the rest of the field continuing a little to the left and on the second picture, an even wider view of our house and the neighbour's house.
Some very quiet and delicate white flowers whose name I don't know yet at the edge of the forest...
We only made a small incursion into the forest as our time was limited, but we wanted to get lost for a few hours !
Back to the field through one of the northern accesses and a few views of the neighbour's wood stock and on the last picture of our little horse shed... even though we don't have any animals yet and won't until we are permanently settled !
Here we are, back at the house and the lower garden. A few apple blossoms are just coming into bloom, quite unlike some regions where the flowers have already disappeared !
The small seedling greenhouse that is already installed and waiting to be used again.
The guest hut which will need a bit of renovation and which I will show you next time...
We will finish with this current occupant of the house, a tiny ladybird taking refuge from the rigors of winter, which is not so bad in the Perche.
I imagine it can be frustrating not to see pictures of the house or its interior, but understand that for us the most important thing is the environment and the location. A house can be improved and changed, the location much more difficult.
To put our wishes for the garden into perspective, you can take a look at this article. I hope you have enjoyed this article and thank you for reading !
Have a good week and take good care of yourself and your loved ones :)
No AI here !
Please note that all these images are mine.
Bonjour à tous, Hivers et Photographes, j'espère que vous avez passé un bon weekend ! Ce samedi nous sommes repartis pour une ultime visite avant la signature finale de notre maison à la campagne. Cela fait plus de 5 ans que nous élaborons notre plan et au fond, j'en rêve depuis plus d'une décennie, c'est vous dire à quel point nous impatients !
Pour l'occasion, j'ai décidé de remettre en place mon objectif 35mm sur mon boîtier Nikon D5500 et une des premières choses qui m'a agréablement surpris, avant même de prendre des images, c'est la légèreté de l'ensemble ! Franchement c'était complètement autre chose qu'avec mon zoom 17-70mm qui doit faire plus de 400 grammes de plus...
Cela m'a aussi fait plaisir de revenir à quelque chose de plus rigoureux en termes de photographie, un setup qui laisse plein de possibilités mais demande de mieux travailler son positionnement par rapport au sujet et une plus grande attention portée au cadrage.
En plus, la journée s'est révélée pleine d'aventures comme nous retournions dans cette région où bientôt - si tout se passe bien - nous pourrons commencer à nous installer. C'est une partie de la Normandie dans le nord de la France et plus précisément dans le parc naturel du Perche à l'ouest de Chartres. Comme nous n'avons pas encore de voiture, nous y allons en train et c'est l'agent immobilier qui nous retrouve là-bas...
Mais commençons ce roman-photo !
Comme à chaque fois, nous partons de la Gare Montparnasse que surplombe la tour du même nom...
Je profite de notre avance relative sur le départ du train pour prendre quelques clichés de la facade de verre et de métal de la gare. Mais finalement, nous ne sommes pas tant en avance que cela.
En arrivant, le train est déjà presque bondé, mais en allant un peu en tête, nous trouvons deux places libres sans problème.
Comme nous sommes partis assez tôt, le jour se lève encore et les premières images que je prends à travers la vitre un peu verte du train, ce sont ces champs de colza à perte de vue.
Puis nous faisons un court arrêt à Chartres et je n'ai que quelques secondes avant que le train n'arrive en gare pour prendre en photo la célèbre cathédrale dans la brume.
Puis le train repart et les étendues de champs se succèdent. Cela a beau être très beau - graphiquement - ça reste de l'affreuse monoculture... Mais je révolutionne le système à ma hauteur et je préfère lutter par mes actions que par mon refus sans avancer de solutions !
Nous voilà bien arrivés à la gare de la Loupe, c'est là que nous descendons et descendrons à l'avenir. Derrière le panneau indicatif, vous pouvez admirer cette belle ligne de voiture de location.
Arrivée dans le jardin et pendant que l'agent immobilier ouvre la maison, je fais quelques images du magnolia qui est un véritable petit arbre et qui doit avoir plusieurs dizaines d'années.
Petit point sur la maison : Il n'y aura pas beaucoup voire aucune image de celle-ci. La cause est multiple, cette fois nous avions rendez-vous avec des artisans pour discuter des travaux, il était donc difficile d'interrompre les discussions pour prendre des photos. La seconde raison est double à la fois : avec mon objectif de 35mm vous auriez eu des clichés avec un coin de mur délavé et un bout de sol et de plafond et pas de vue d'ensemble pour vous permettre de bien voir l'ensemble.
Mais rassurez-vous, si tout se passe comme prévu, vous verrez assez de choses sur cette maison dans le futur, que cela concerne nos travaux de rénovations ou notre installation. Un peu de patience..!
Cet article sera donc surtout centré sur le jardin, le grand terrain et les vues environnantes afin de vous donner un ressenti de l'atmosphère de ce coin de paradis accolé à la forêt ! Sur la première image, on voit le terrain avec la lisière de la forêt...
Voilà la maison vue du dessus, toute encerclée par la végétation et qui se trouve donc tout en bas de la pente dans un petit hameau très calme et paisible.
D'autre vue sur la bordure de notre terrain avec nos voisins de gauche et sur la seconde image, le verger de pommiers de l'autre voisin.
Petit zoom sur un chêne et ses fraîches et nouvelles feuilles.
Ici, au fond de la prairie, vous avez la première apparition photographique de ma compagne qui a déjà pris un peu d'avance sur notre tour du terrain.
Quelques clichés d'un ajonc d'Europe - Ulex europaeus - que visite un gros bourdon.
Voilà le reste du terrain qui continue encore un peu vers la gauche et sur la deuxième image, une vue encore un peu plus large de notre maison et de celle du voisin.
Quelques fleurs blanches bien tranquilles et délicates dont je ne connais pas encore le nom à la lisière de la forêt...
La forêt justement, nous ne faisons qu'une petite incursion comme nous notre temps est limité, mais ce n'est pas l'envie qui nous manquait d'aller s'y perdre quelques heures !
Retour sur le terrain par un des accès au nord et quelques vues sur le stock de bois du voisin et sur la dernière image sur notre petite cabane à chevaux... même si nous n'avons pas encore d'animaux et n'en aurons pas jusqu'à être installé de façon permanente !
Nous voilà revenus vers la maison et le jardin du bas. Quelques fleurs de pommiers éclosent à peine, bien en décalage avec certaines régions où les fleurs ont déjà disparu !
La petite serre à semis qui est déjà installée et n'attend que de reprendre du service.
La cabane des invités qui aura besoin d'un peu de rénovations et que je vous montrerais une prochaine fois...
Nous terminerons par cette actuelle occupante de la maison, une minuscule coccinelle qui se réfugie des rigueurs de l'hiver qui n'est d'ailleurs pas si terrible que cela dans le Perche.
J'imagine qu'il peut être frustrant de ne pas voir d'images de la maisons ou de son intérieur, mais comprenez que pour nous le plus important, c'est avant tout l'environnement et la localisation. Une maison ça peut s'améliorer et se changer, le lieu de celle-ci, beaucoup plus difficilement.
Pour remettre en perspective nos désirs pour le jardin, vous pouvez aller faire un tour dans cet article-là. J'espère que vous aurez apprécié cet article et je vous remercie pour votre lecture !
Bonne semaine à tous et prenez bien soin de vous et de vos proches :)
Pas d'AI ici !
Merci de bien prendre en compte que toutes ces images sont les miennes.
How exciting that you are moving to the countryside. Congratulations! I love the area 🙂 and actually, I don't mind not seeing your garden as it's your private property, so you don't really need to share it with anyone here. The plot is soooo huge and I'm sure that you will grow some delicious veggies in your garden.
I wish you good luck and a lot of patience with the renovation 🙂
Thank you 😇 !
Yeah, this is really huge and we already connected with some of the neighbours so that they graze their animals on part of the land. But for sure there will be plenty of space for all kind of trees, fruits and veggies ! Can't wait to start for real, but as you said, this will require some patience as well :)
Have a good day @delishtreats, hope you're doing good 🤞
Oh, we have started our vegetable garden this year and it's been such a nightmare. We didn't manage to plant almost anything yet as the lady who sold the garden didn't clean it last year, so we need to do everything now. The weeds are so strong now that it takes us ages to remove them. And the weather is horrible too, so we cannot even go there as often as we want to. I just hope that it will become more enjoyable going forward 🙂
I'm doing well, thank you. I've been busy in the last couple of weeks, so I wasn't here that much. Last week I spent every day with 40 kids working on a musical. We had 3 plays in the weekend and it was amazing, so it was all worth it but I'm still exhausted 🙂
Ouch, it seems complicated !
When the weeds are well rooted, it can indeed be terribly difficult to remove them! If they are small, you can also put some thick cardboard and leave it to make the plants die. You could even put some soil and straw back up and that should prevent the weeds from reseeding.
Wow, that must be intense too 😅 are you doing that with the school ?
I hope you'll be able to find some space to rest 🤞
Have a good evening
I have checked with our neighbors and apparently these weeds are there since many years. I have finally finished the first part today!!! 😁 I will put some mulch on top this week, so that it doesn't come back so quickly. And I hope that my raspberries will grow nicely now 🙂
It was a day camp for kids from the region. We had a lot of fun but I think I'm 10 years older now 🤣 I don't understand when adults speak Swiss German, but when kids speak it it's even worse. Luckily, there were some Germans who helped me..
Oh, I almost forgot.. I recall you asked me about discord. It's delishtreats#9539. I don't use it often, but I'll check it to see your message 😉
Have a lovely day!
Would love to see some pictures of your garden !
Haha, that happen sometimes, but in the perfect plan, it doesn't have to be too frequent ^^
Ach, Swiss German ? Way too hard for me. I studied 3 years of German and I already barely understand 😂 Must be a bad language student !
Yeah, if I remember well about the discord, it was for I send you some pictures of my artworks,
will do that in the coming days :)
I hope you manage to rest a bit,
gratefully the weekend is here !
Take care 👋
That is called little paradise to be honest. So much green space, trees and everything you need at the countryside. Congratulations on the purchase and letting you know that I officially envy you 😂
I can hardly wait for those amazing photos about the house 👀. I'm counting on them!
Hi @erikah !
Indeed ! We searched a lot before finding this one - about two years at lest :)
I completely understand as few years ago, a of mine had inherited a very large sum and bought the type of house we were dreaming of without to much effort... In the beginning of June it will be finalized and I think we'll start the works of renovation inside, so you can expect some shares for this summer 😉 !
Thank you for taking the time to visit, is the town you're living in is big or far from countryside ?
It's not as big as Paris, and it's not far from the countryside, but countrysides here are nothing like what you showed us here.
Can't wait to see those photos, so we have a deal now, I'm counting on you 😁
I will also be curious to see the differences now !
Promise, I won't forget ;-)
Have a good day ✌️
Thank you, you too 🙂
Fantastic place. SAme environment here in Bretagne. <3 I love passing by the rapeseed field everyday. hehe
Yeah, you're right, this quite close in the atmosphere :) Really wet and propice to grow some veggies and trees !
Take good care 😇
Indeed. :D
He disfrutado tanto tus fotografías... son realmente hermosas y me transmiten mucha paz. La mariquita :) awwww, quedo muertecita de amor siempre con ellas.
This is the best reward for me 😇 ! I really love those, there's literally dozen of them in the houses here during winter, and in the spring they're back in the garden :)
Thanks for visiting @nanixxx, I hope you're doing good !
Yes, I'm fine, thank you... with a little more work only hahaha, but you know that work ennobles. And thanks to you for contributing to my happiness, because every time I see beautiful and inspiring things I'm happy.
Yes, this is it ! Any activity and desire to move forward especially ! I must even say that at work, I even prefer efforts in general :)
You're most welcome for that part, it's always a pleasure 😇 🌱 !
Take good care, I'm happy if you're !
La loupe ! On est à 30 minutes en voiture !
Oui, là pour le coup c'est vraiment pas loin :D !
Beautiful. a forest that invites to get lost in.
Definitely, if we hadn't had a return schedule, I think we would have gone for a good ride ^^
Have a good new week starting !
So this is the plot of land where you would be building your paradise?
Beautiful to say the least. Though it would take quite some work to give it the shape of your dreams.
Have a great week ahead. Good luck in the progress of this project dear @anttn
Yep, this is the one :D
We're ready for some tuff working session, this will be our gym ^^ !
Thanks for your good wishes, take good care ✌️
Such an awesome setting.
Love it… can’t wait to see it evolve 😊
!ALIVE Have a wonderful new week @anttn 👋🏻
I've to say we're really impatient :)
Thank you as always for your enthusiasm and good spirit dear @littlebee4 ✌️
Wish you a very good starting week 🌱😘
I can imagine especially as it all takes so long…
Thanks a lot… Saturday is the day… we hop on the night ferry and finally move ⛴️
Enjoy your evening!You are welcome @anttn 😁 happy to spread some !LUV
You're must on the departure or at least in the preparation hehe ! I will think about you tomorrow, will not forget, I remember that it's my birthday ^^
Have a great moving weekend, take good care and sorry to show that late 😉😘
I promise… coming week I post some updates of my last 2 weeks adventures.Thanks a lot for thinking of me @anttn…
Big hugs 🤗
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