Hello, friends.
Remember, my friends, I told you that I met a snake in my garden? I was even glad then that she was alive.
Well. After a while, I met a snakeskin not far from the dung heap where the snake lives. The skin was left after the molt of the snake. So the snake is growing. I showed this skin to my mother and she even felt sick at the sight of it. She is very afraid of snakes.
The length of the hide was slightly less than 1 meter.
This week I saw that the snake crawls not one, but 2 of them. I told my family about it. I reminded my mother once again that snakes are not poisonous and that they themselves will not attack a person. Yes, they are just afraid of the person and crawl away.
Mom seems to have calmed down once again.
Yesterday at 6 o'clock in the morning, I took the garbage to the garbage heap and saw that the snakes were basking in the morning sun. And there were not one or 2, but as many as 5 pieces.
Maybe there are even more, but I managed to count 5.
I immediately went to get my camera. But when I came back, the tangle of small snakes was gone. Small snakes hid among the grass that lay in a nearby bunker. I could see their backs.
2 large snakes remained in their places. One was very big, probably the oldest of them all.
But the big snakes didn't want me to look at them, either. I tried to take a position to take a better picture of them, but in this case my shadow fell on them. They didn't like it.
And the little snakes must have been very curious to see me and crawled out of the grass. Cubs are always curious and less afraid of danger.
Who can tell me - what is this snake called in English? In Russian, it is called "uzh". (УЖ)
@sketch.and.jam referred to it as "the black rat snake".
@melinda010100, @shasta, @steampunkkaja, @manorvillemike, @annephilbrick, What would you call this snake?
@ninahaskin, look how beautiful they are. Don't be afraid of them. :)
Thanks for reading...
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Good luck and have fun
Nice pictures. Glad it is not poisonous ..Don't know what it is called.
That's it... :)
Google suggests that it is a Grass snake. 'The grass snake, sometimes called the ringed snake or water snake, is a Eurasian non-venomous colubrid snake. It is often found near water and feeds almost exclusively on amphibians. The barred grass snake, Natrix helvetica, was split off as a separate species in 2017'. Wikipedia
But I'm certainly not a snake expert. I prefer to see them in photos!
Yes, Yandex for the query "Grass snake" gave a picture of such a snake.
And these snakes often came across me on the river. They swim beautifully.
Thank you, @melinda010100 😘
Natrix natrix is the one with the distinctive yellow collar ("ringed snake" should not to be confused with "ringneckNatrix helvetica, meanwhile, is limited to western Europe. snake," which is a North American species), and solid dull green or brown to black colour. Its range is from Germany to Mongolia and Finland to Turkey; Vyatka, Russia (where @apnigrich lives) is right in the middle of that range.
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Come to the shadow hunter society@steampunkkaja, ты еще и знаток змей? Молодец! Но это как написала @melina010100 - The grass snake, УЖ. @steampunkkaja, are you also a snake expert? Well done! But this is how @melina010100 wrote - The grass snake.
Oh, and look who just showed up on my desk:
О, и посмотрите, кто появился на моем столе:
Моя младшая дочь очень боится пауков!
А как насчет змей? Я спрашиваю, потому что знаю людей, которые боятся змей, но не пауков.
В любом случае, лекарство от арахнофобии:
А змей боится моя мама. А дочь ничего про змей не говорит.
It look like a Ratsnake.
I haven't seen one in a couple of years. The last one I saw was under an old barn in the rock foundation.
:-D @apnigrich
No, ratsnake is still a different snake.
@sketch.and.jam already called it that. @melinda010100 helped me figure it out.
Fantastic..! It's been identified.
It really closely looks like the Rat snakes here.
:-D @apnigrich
All together we are a force! And the force is with us! 😂😂😂
Hello 🖐..!!
Absolutely 🤗 !
👍🏻 All Together we are a force...! And the force is with us..👍🏻
Gratitude:-D @apnigrich
Old orange ear is back and he wants a field mouse.
he came back and brought the kids with him
Just so it's not on an airplane.