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RE: Throw it

On a certain occasion, some motorized vehicles that were passing by the command where I worked and I was at the front door as a precaution, threw a grenade. Fortunately, I reacted in time and alerted the others, shouting, GRENADE!! And throwing myself in the direction that the grenade had fallen behind a saman tree that was a few meters from where I was, I came out unscathed from that attack but was stunned by the explosion for several minutes, the structure of the command still retains part of the damage caused by this explosive device


That's a lucky escape indeed. It's strange to imagine living in a place where an hand grenade may be thrown; in a war zone sure, it's expected, but not in everyday life right? You're very lucky you didn't catch a fragment and lived to go home to the family. I'm not surprised you were stunned, the overpressure can be quite fierce.

Here in Venezuela, crime is better endowed than many security agencies, this country apparently is not in a conventional war, but there are many organized crime groups that when a security agency confronts them they use their entire arsenal, including grenades and carry out attacks to police commandos, this is total madness, apart from that human rights is the biggest protective shield that this class of criminals have, because as soon as you discharge any of them, even if they have an extensive criminal record, they immediately open an investigation to the acting official

Yep, I figured as much. It can't be very nice to have to live in those conditions.