Story of one picture.

It was very average evening. Now that I got a drone, I'm always looking for something interesting in the sky. This day I went up take some hyper laps of clouds. Got up 400 feet, looked around, started hyper laps recording away from sun. The cloud next to sun at first wasn't much to look at until sun started to go down. All of a sudden colors of the cloud started to drastically changing. And something that was nothing to look at just a moment ago, flared up into magnificent view!

This is a parking lot I took off from.

Those are the clouds I was taking hyper laps off.

Looked around...

Wind was so strong, that my drone had a hard time to stay leveled in one spot.


Awesome shots. I was going to go fly my drone today, but it got too windy. Hopefully I can get some shots up in the mountains soon while the leaves are still changing colors.

Here in Florida we don't get much of mountains... I think the highest elevation, were I live is around 3 feet... :)

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