Photography Lovers: The beetle got lost, fell in front of the house

Hello my friends, photography lovers, how are you today, I hope you are still fine.

On today's occasion I would like to contribute some of my photographs of insects or better known as Beetles Polyphylla

I found this beetle fallen in front of my house, when I accidentally left the house in the morning.
I saw that this beetle was limp and helpless, so I tried to take it and put it on the tree in front of my house.
Maybe this beetle got lost.
I'm sure this beetle won't survive long, but I saved its life.

At that time I took several photos when I placed it on the tree, taking several pictures from different angles.

Photography lovers can see it in my post below:










This is all I can share on this occasion, I hope my friends like it. Greetings from me @asklanbudi


Mesmerizing shots! 😍

Thanks you @joyceful 🙏

You're welcome :)

As usual, you have succeeded in presenting photos so beautifully, especially with the dark background, everything looks so perfect

Thank you friend @vikar for your praise and visit

One word: wow!

Beautiful photos. I love the black background.
That way you bring all the attention to the beetle.

May I ask which lens you used?

Excelent job, I'm impressed.
You have gained a follower.

Thank you friend @meraki7578 for being my favorite photo. I only use the camera lens that comes with the Samsung A33 cellphone. then I edited it so that it appeared in the destination image

Unbelievable that these photos were taken with ‘just’ a phone. I thought you were using an expensive lens and camera.
I'm really impressed. Amazing job.

Nice shots @asklanbudi.

Thank you friend @erikah 🙏 for seeing my post again.

Hope you have a nice day friend :)

I like the depth of these photos 👍. I'm curious to know which cam with lens and lighting you use for these shots.

Thank you friend for stopping by my place. I only use a Samsung A33 camera, and use the lens that came with my cellphone. so I edited it a little, so it looks more colorful

wooowww that's super... I really thought you were using a dslr or so camera.... Great job