Overweight? Can't meditate? Then Contemplate Dog!

Living in a caravan with my partner for the whole of covid pandemic has been an interesting experience, to say the least. Locked in, locked down, nothing to do other than navel gaze and wonder what the eff it's all about.

My ongoing battle with creating a consistent meditation practice has been a constant source of internal conflict. I know that a gazillion monks can't be wrong, but my mind is happy where it is, but the heart wants some mental peace. The mind is a tricksy beast, for whatever unknown reason it is comfortable where it is, stuck in it's patterns, crutches and subconscious self sabotage programs.

I even went to a 10 day meditation bootcamp called Vipassna. Just to create a little more trauma around meditation, and well that's a whole other post!

Like the rest of the world we decided since we wouldn't be travelling anytime soon may as well get a covid puppy... Meet Saffron, aka Safi, aka, Puppy LaLa, aka Little Beastie, aka BurgerBum, aka Puppachino!

Safi is a crossbreed of Jack Russell Terrier/Mini Foxy or Tenterfield Terrier (we can't be 100% sure). She is fully grown now and weighs a tiny 4.5kg/ 10 pounds and is the smartest little bitch I know!


Safi keeps me present and grounded. Many moments with her, if I choose to, are ways of meditating. Playing tug, or patting her, fully immersing myself in the sensual experience of her soft fur and her puppy licks. Walking her in the forest, brushing her coat, playing fetch. All these experiences have been ways I have found to be totally in the now.

From what I know of ZEN MEDITATION, this way of interacting with life's experiences allows one to experience meditation in mundane daily life activities. Being fully present whilst sweeping the floor, or doing the dishes. We don't have to have a staunch meditation practice....

Anyways, from my mental mind some musings to ponder....

I hope life finds you well, and appreciative of the small miracles in your daily life.

Nu x


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