Captures at full speed.

in Photography Lovers8 months ago


Visiting a beautiful park in the city, on a beautiful sunny day, where no clouds were in the sky, something rather unusual happened to me.

I was enjoying the scenery, the huge artificial lake and the pleasant views of both the vegetation and the fauna of the place when I was standing still because I was photographing a landscape and a flock of pigeons suddenly started to emerge behind me.




There were too many of them, it was impossible to count them, but they seemed to be re-occurring.

I stood still, because I thought that if I moved they would collide with me.

The sensation was unbelievable, I felt that they were emerging behind me, and more and more of them. They were flying past me, but without even touching me.





I continued to stand still, they flew from the back to the front and landed on the ground in front of me. It was unbelievable.

Standing there, still, rigid, what I did was to capture photographs non-stop, one after the other. This opportunity doesn't come along every day.

So I watched what was happening through my phone. It seemed to go on forever.

It was an impressive number of birds, pigeons that slowly landed all in front of me, could it be an omen of something? Well, I don't know, but it was a marvellous event that I had experienced.





To feel their wings almost brushing against me, the air moving between them passing by me, the flapping of their wings without stopping. What brushed me was the breeze produced by the passage of so many birds together.

When a pigeon passes by, people scream and crouch down, I remained very still and silent, witnessing this marvellous spectacle.

What it means, I don't know, but they surrounded me and it was incredible, so much so that for a moment I felt part of them.

I don't think it is causal that in the city of the painter Picasso, for whom the white dove was declared a symbol of peace, this happened to me. I see it as something great and spectacular that happened to me and that I was able to capture it live and at every moment.


Have you ever had something similar happen to you? I would love to know and if you know the meaning of what happened to me too.

I was delighted to share with you this rare event. Best regards to all of you and see you next time.
separador sencillo 2.png

All photographs are my own, taken with my phone
Separators created by me in Photoshop
Used translator free version

separador sencillo 2.png

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It is interesting to look for birds that are not caught in the sun's rays, not flying at the camera. They are immediately invisible.

Absolutely right, they flew by me non-stop and then stopped there as if to greet me. Thank you!😃

¡Feliz y bendecido domingo, amiga! Siempre es un gran plan pasar el rato en un parque, sobre todo en uno con semejante vista ✨ Lo que tal vez me da un poco de nervios son tantas palomas 😅 Entiendo totalmente tu temor de ser atacada en cualquier momento, ellas si que se hacen sentir.

No se si era temor.... es que no quería me choquen jajajaja besos!!! Voy saliendo!

What a beautiful day to visit this beautiful place, and live this experience with these peaceful birds, the pigeons are very intelligent and perceptive, they know who to approach, I can imagine the energy that is perceived in a situation like this.
What beautiful and colorful shots, dear friend @avdesing, thank you very much for sharing this beautiful moment.
Have a lovely Sunday

I just waited to see what would happen, it was a beautiful experience. Thank you @jlufer ❤️

Your photos remind me of a story. One day I found myself in the middle of a yard sale trying to find something cheap but useful. I was in front of a stand where the person was selling everything and nothing, no longer using objects straight out of the attic and garage. There, I heard the saleswoman scream and right in the middle of her forehead a pigeon fell on her. She had the misfortune of settling under a lamppost which was apparently the place where the pigeons liked to settle hahaha.

Considering the number of pigeons present, you have taken a 2000% risk. You should have played the lottery that day, I'm sure you would have won

I laughed my ass off! Yes the probability was a lot but no pigeon touched me!! hahaha I think they liked me!🤣

Hi @avdesign, I don't remember a pigeon shower or anything similar ever happening to me, but I really enjoyed your photographs and the account of such a strange phenomenon, as you say it is Picasso's city. I would not find it strange if next time the pigeons were cubists. A big hug, happy Sunday.

Anything can happen, but I'm not surprised that not one of those pigeons touched me.... they liked me! hahaha🤣

A very inspiring moment and the most important thing is that it made you happy. Animals are friendly when treated with affection and respect. It seems to be the norm there. Here in Old Havana there is a pigeon square near the San Francisco de Asís Convent which is also a concert hall. I used to go there to feed them. I would buy bags of corn and sit next to them.

Also in the parks I feed them, they always come to me, what a beauty this is.... Thank you Nani!🤗

Hola amiga, que bonita esa salida y poder encontrar con esa gran sorpresa de todas esas palomas juntas allí y lo bueno es que se quedaron tranquillas y lograste tomarle muy buenas fotos a cada una de ellas. Ahora tienes que darle comida cada vez que pases por allí jajja.

Si, en agradecimiento! Lo haré!! jajaja gracias David!❤️

I want to live that dream, that a lot of pigeons emerge behind me and feel their flapping 😍

How lucky you were haha the pigeons felt your good energy and came to greet you. They are so beautiful ❤️

What a beautiful and unusual moment, I don't know what it really means haha but it is a spectacle the amount of pigeons that surround you and some captures of them flying.

I tell you I couldn't believe what was happening to me but I think it's a good omen!!!! I thought, Yami would like to be here, that's for sure!❤️

Great study and observation of flight. I liked this one as they're all coming in for landing.


They all circled around me and landed in front of me... what could it mean... Thank you so much for marking your favourite!😃

Considering where it happened, maybe they were telling you that your art is very special :)

Thank you very much!!😃

Keep the awesome posts coming :)

I will do so, I will do my best every day, thank you!