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RE: Blue...and some white

Woww they look like pictures from a cologne advert, I love them! The 2 is the most wonderful and the 3 is fabulous.... still the 2nd one is my favourite because it really looks like an advertisement.

The blue colour in contrast with the white looks great. I really like the top, it's original and very beautiful.

I owe you the picture of my favourite perfume, it's a rose perfume, very rich, I love it! Not all perfume scents are good when they touch the skin, it's like they smell different whether they are on the skin or not, and I like this one a lot.

I'll have to try to take some pictures of it, let it be the protagonist!😀


Thanks, they came out ok considering I have no clue what I'm doing with a camera. I enjoy the process though and that's what counts. Having said that, it's nice to get some good feedback so thanks for that.

You're a great photographer, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I love your work! and whether you have a great idea or it comes naturally to you.

I congratulate you!

No one here knows I take photos. No one knows ai post on Hive either. So, it's done just for me and whomever on Hive happens to see my photography and posts and there's no risk of someone in my real life telling me I'm not a good photographer. To be honest though, I'm just happy being a bad one who achieves a decent result now and then.

I don't think anyone in real life would tell you that... I want to take pictures like that!

I don't think so either, but I don't publicise what I do, don't seek accolades and recognition; I just do what I do for myself and find happiness in that.

And you do it excellently, it's not a compliment, it's the reality.