Hello to the photography lovers.
Hello all photographers and friends of this very popular art in a very creative and professional gathering.
Hello! I am Azam Sohrabi, a lover of photography and nature exploration. I take a new look at the beauties of the world and I am with you on this journey through my blog.
We had a very popular and good bride and groom photography.
Here I only share the portrait photos of this beautiful bride and I hope you like it.
We were supposed to take a photography session in one of the gardens where this beautiful groom had rented and we see the different locations of this garden. However, in portrait photos, the camera is a bit stronger.
This beautiful bride helped me a lot in posing because I felt that her creativity and emotions could enhance many of my poses.
In bridal photography, the use of a bouquet can assist brides who struggle with poses.
However, regarding today's subject, this matter was a bit different, and you can see how it has been recorded for me with handpicked flowers and ribbons.
In this photo, I asked him to turn his back to the camera and when I said to turn around, he should keep his hand up and show the ring towards the camera with one hand while smiling.
In wedding photography, shooting under the bride's veil is one of the most popular poses that catches the attention of brides.
In this photo, I wanted to look at the camera once with a stunning look and once to a point. I loved her staring at her camera.
To achieve the best outcome from the photo, I try to open the camera's aperture as much as possible so that the subject's background is nicely blurred.
Light and environment are the main factors that I need to pay attention to while taking photos and adjusting the camera’s aperture.
By opening the camera’s aperture, I can artistically blur the background and give the subject's face a unique appeal.
There is a greenhouse in the greenhouse where I love photography from behind the glass here.
I asked our beautiful bride to rely on the glass to take a few figures to check each shot appealing separately.
In the third photo, as the branches of the trees were shadowed in the glass and the subject's face was not clear, but I still did not erase it. And felt it could be a good photo in the album design.
The downward look is always one of the most popular shots and is one of the main bridal portrait shots.
In these two photos you see, I blur this subject this time and in one bouquet and in the other I gave him more clearly. Usually these photos also have a lot of fans. And I always ask about their interests during photography to fulfill every wedding.
And when he shears his memories album, he reminds him of the good days of his life.
The bride's portrait photography is over when it is over, which means all the beautiful moments the bride had on her wedding day. The photographer carefully and tasteful of the bride's beauties and feelings will always be remembered for these moments. Now the bride can safely celebrate her celebration and enjoy her day, because everything is best recorded!
I'm glad you were with me for a few minutes and read my post. I hope you love.
I wish you good days and days.
Up to another charming goodbye.
Text & photography : @azamsohrabi