Photography Lovers Community Curation - 11/27/21

in Photography Lovers3 years ago
Authored by @castleberry

Photography Lovers Curation Report


Hello Photography Lovers! Welcome to another curation report from the community. We are committed to curating the best photography content on the Hive BlockChain as well as fostering engagement within the community. Without you all this community would not be possible. In order to provide you with the highest quality experience, we are diligently seeking not just the best photography or photographers but the best content overall.

We will not be curating single-image posts, especially with little to no description. This community is focused on high-quality content which includes what surrounds the images you share here. If you only have one good image to post, you may consider saving it to put together with your next singles to create a more enriching post altogether. Quality over quantity will provide a more rewarding experience to the whole community in every sense.

Now, after our curators have diligently sifted through the community's posts we have our curation selections to share with you all. Take some time to visit some of this week's featured community members and engage in the posts. Keep up the great work for your chance to be in the next round of curation!


Today's Curation Selections


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@charlie80Noble deer


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@gvkantenHappy Birthday Suriname


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@fotostefFeed me


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@beardoinA visit to Edinburgh Zoo



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@neilru75Field Mice





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@greddyforceLiivanõmme Trail





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@rossfletcherGrowing emerald


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@arfaCapturing The Grasstrack Races








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@miroslavrcLeaves and its "vains"




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@corvidaeGolden Dragons




Thank you for taking the time to stop by and honor the selections this week. To encourage Engagement we will also be curating the comments. For those actively communicating and adding meaningful input, we will be rewarding some with Engage tokens to be distributed within the Photography Lovers Community. Keep up the great content and the great work!

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Hi, thank you for choosing my image in this report. I'm very happy, hopefully this will be a motivation for me. And I see the selected images are indeed very high quality.

You had some awesome action shots in your post! Thanks for your contribution to this round of curation. We try to select the best our community has to offer and we are pleased your post made it! Keep up the great work. =)

Thank you @castleberry x)

You're very welcome.

Wow, these are not photographs, but a real work of art! Great work of authors and curators to select the best content! My eyes are delighted. Thanks!

Thanks for stopping by and appreciating the beauty! Thank you for also taking the time to encourage and comment! Cheers

...thank you for adding :)
Cheers and !BEER

Thanks for the Beer and your contribution to the awesome round of curation. Thank you also for the Invest vote! Cheers

You are welcome 😊

Thank you for adding my post! 😊

Thank you for making such a good one!

Thank you :)

Thank you for your awesome contribution! =)

thank you for adding

Thanks for the LUV! and for your contribution. Cool post. I hope everyone goes to check it out.

my pleasure !

Thank @badge-696969 you for your support and ranking!

Thank you for your contribution! Those deer were awesome to see.

Wonderful work, beautiful pictures and full of life ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍

Thanks for stopping by to appreciate the beauty and taking the time to comment!

Thank you for the highlight and support, it is always welcome 😊

Thank you for your contribution! This was an incredible round of curation. =)

@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@bambuka thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

BEERHey @badge-696969, here is a little bit of from @bambuka for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

I'm honnored to be a part in this amazing high quality community, grateful for all curators hard work and getting even better. Thank you kindly for the highlight and support, it sure was a good day, hope your is too
Have a great happy, strong and healthy start of the week everyone!

We try to keep the curation on display of the highest quality our community has to offer. Glad you got to lead the charge this round! Great job and keep up the awesome photography!

Thank you so much, it an honnor to be a part of this great quality comunnity, I can't help it I'm also a nature lover, Hive got me into photography and trying to learn new skills and gain more wisdom everysingle day.
Have a great day sir

It's awesome to hear that Hive has inspired you in the area of photography!
You have a great day/night too!

Congratulations to all selected authors.

Best regards Thanks for the computation @badge-696969

Thanks for stopping by and taking time to appreciate and congratulate our featured photographers! Cheers

This is perfect!

I agree! Such an awesome round of curation! Thanks for stopping by. =)

I don't understand English, I use a translator.
I have a lot of photography, because I love it.

The art is in the eye!


Wow! The captures are so beautiful! 🤗🤗 Especially the one by @whynotcamp. Super beautiful. 😍😍

That was a fine selection and they were all beautiful in their own way! Cheers

Yes, truly 😍😍

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