
No one wants to be spammed by people begging for votes.

How many whales did he mentioned, by the way??

Not all whales, but he mentioned enough people begging for votes.


yep- so what? best regards.

Obviously I don't want to be spam mentioned all day from people begging from votes. It's really not that difficult. No one should be, and the more is condoned by people, the more it happens.

Not everybody has your stake and (or my a little bit smaller one)the possibilities due to this, problem is the word "begging", nothing more, if i understand the english language in this case correct, not my motherlanguage of course. If you or someone else make some "advertising" for your maybe more important things and projects it is fine, but a tag in this case is already "begging gor votes"? Hmm, different points of view maybe. best regards.

Are we seriously still going on about this? The only reason there are mentions is an attempt to get votes. Just because he didn’t say vote me! It is still clear that’s the point.

We should stay cool,or, dont we? some other problems and more intersting things here! Minor thing, dear marky. But maybe i am wrong,best regards.

No, it's not cool to spam mention people begging for votes. Would you mind if I mention you every comment and post I make? Now multiply that by a thousand.

Okay, but did he? But see your point of course.

Obviously he did.

I'm not doing this to get votes, just to increase my audience. You don't want people wanting to share by doing this. I'm sharing a new post for the community to grow. The purpose of this is not to get votes. Best regards

I'm not doing this to get votes, just to increase my audience.

Highly doubt it, but regardless, even if it was just to gain your audience it is no different than sending mass spam email letting people know you have a product to sell or sending everyone on Facebook/Twitter personal messages when you posted something. It's spam and disrespectful, reguardless if it is begging for votes or followers.

You are not entitled to an audience, you have to earn it.