The time was approaching no less interesting than sunset. As a photographer, I was ready to stay there until complete darkness. But there was a companion with me and she was clearly not ready for this feat. After enjoying the colors of the setting sun, we slowly began to move in the opposite direction.
Приближалось время не менее интересное чем закат. Как фотограф, я готов был оставаться там до полной темноты. Но со мной была спутница и она явно не была готова к этому подвигу. Насладившись красками заходящего солнца, мы начали неспеша двигаться в обратном направлении.
It was a pity to leave such beauty.
It looks like it was a fortified machine gun point to defend the fort itself.
On the other eastern side of the cape there were completely different colors.
Some time ago there was a narrow strip of clear sky in the west. Now in the east it was all the other way round - a narrow strip of clouds. In just a few hours, everything changed dramatically.
We go down and head to the plane we know.
I already said that this is a mockup for filming a movie. But I think his propeller is turning.
I don’t think it’s a blast furnace tube, but very similar :)
We were also near this building. Only from the sea side.
No comment here ...
Several photos of the eastern part of the sea before entering the impenetrable thicket.
Actually, a road led through the thicket and we safely walked along it back to the car. But a terrible thing happened ... both of the camera batteries were discharged. Main and reserve. It happens...
And before getting into our car, we managed to do something else. True, I already shot on a smartphone. But that's the subject of the next post.
Yes ... there will still be a separate post regarding one of the artifacts that I found in this fort. It is related to the Eiffel Tower. Believe it or not.
Вообще-то через чащу вела дорога и мы благополучно по ней прошли назад к машине. Но случилось страшное...у меня разрядились оба акумулятора камеры. Основной и запасной. Так бывает...
А перед тем, как попасть в свою машину, мы ещё кое что успели. Правда я снимал уже на смартфон. Но это тема следующего сообщения.
Да...ещё будет отдельный пост, касающийся одного из артефактов, который я обнаружил в этом форте. Это связано с Эйфелевой башней. Хотите верьте, хотите нет.
▽ | ▽ |
Camera | Sony A7M2 |
Lens | Samyang 1.4 35 |
Location | Russia |
Post production | in LR |
Gloomy Fort Reef, the beginning of the journey
Fort Reef - Approaching Climax
From Russia with Love
My last post
Hi, good shots of the sunset, but what impressed me the most were the photos of the fort and its history, related to the Eiffel Tower? how curious.
Thanks for stopping by :-) Glad to see you and thank you for your kind words!
About the Eiffel Tower and its connection with Fort Rif I will soon make a separate post .. This is really interesting, I did not expect.
Nice post :)
Thanks so much :)
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Hey @bambuka, here is a little bit of from @investinthefutur for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Beutyfull pictures, good job👍
Glad to see you and thank you for your kind words!
That's great :)
Thanks ^)
W ow exelentes fotos y paisajes gracias por compartir.
Thanks for stopping by :-) Glad to see you and thank you for your kind words!
Very cool pics, I wonder how many people lost their lives defending that bunker... crazy to think such a beautiful place could be the scene of conflict. Not sure why that first came to mind! haha
Russia looks like an awesome place, I need to go there one day!

Not only themselves were defended here. Rather, we can talk about protecting the north-west of Russia, St. Petersburg. There were terrible battles.
If you have the opportunity to visit Russia, I recommend using it. You will discover many new things for yourself
При другом освещении, словно совершенно, другое место)
При закате очень круто... Осталось дождаться тумана)
да, туман мог бы стать песней)) А ещё встретить восход, когда солнце с другой стороны мыса.
Как-нибудь соберусь))
Желаю удачной фотоохоты, и жду результата)
пока чахну дома)) а погода стоит подходящая, но низзя) хворанул малость
Желаю скорейшего выздоровления...
опасно нынче хворать!
благодарствую) прорвёмся.