I have to be sad, but I'm happy

in Photography Lovers4 years ago

Do you want me to show you a real pine forest of Russia? This forest belongs to the taiga zone. My childhood passed among these pines. There was a time when I knew every path here. I had favorite trees and meadows. I knew where and when mushrooms grow. Sometimes I spent all day in the woods.

The story that I will tell you will be both sad and joyful at the same time.


All of these photographs refer to almost the same place. Do you see this field to the left of the road? Previously, there was a gorgeous pine forest and a lot of mushrooms and berries. But at that time there was a strong economy. New fields were needed and the forest was simply destroyed. The border of the clearing was along this road.




After the destruction of the USSR, the economy fell into decay. Gradually, the fields were no longer cultivated and sowed.


Now the former field looks like a forest edge. Nature takes its toll. The wind carries the seeds of the pine trees and the field begins to overgrow. Mushrooms have already appeared here. Another ten years will pass and a young forest will rustle with branches here.



I'd like to be there right now. Of course, it's a shame for the people who have invested their strength in these fields. But on the other hand, I rejoice at the return of the forest. So it should be so.

CameraSony A57
Post productionin LR

Manual processing in Lightroom

Unless otherwise specified, the text and photos are mine

From Russia with Love




It's beautiful to see the forest returning...

and I'm hoping all the people who worked there in the fields are doing well.

Many of those people are no longer in this world. More than 50 years have passed since the destruction of the forest.
At first, the fields were well-groomed, reclamation was made, something was sown on them.
Now the pines are sowing their seeds and quite successfully.


50 years ago it was much emptier here. We had open space. Now it's filled with condos and walled off expensive communities.

The greedy hands of the builders have not yet reached the places that I have shown. Although the forest has already been thinned out by other bastards.
I would mine all the roads leading to the forest ... only on foot :)

Я всё люблю - и лес, и поля, и вот такие зарастающие поля тоже люблю. хорошие фотографии:)

Привет, Tata :), давно не виделись.
Сейчас таких полей уже много. Одно поле полностью заросло, но березняком. Там подосиновики с удовольствием поселились. А когда-то на том поле я на овсах кабанов караулил ))
Если честно, мне нравится, что природа отвоёвывает своё пространство. Земледелие там не особо, почва не та, это не чернозём у соседей. Раньше хоть лён выращивали. Теперь кирдык хозяйству. Даже стадо порезали. Но прирда вздохнула и это радует)

Лес точно не хуже справляется, чем человек. Природа дала в пользование и забрала своё обратно. У неё точно всё будет как надо: расти, цвести и плодоносить. Красивые места.

Вот только это и радует)

Понимаю этот детский трепет! Когда ты действительно знаешь каждое дерево и куст... Даже коряги торчащие из ручья, каждая знакома и создает невообразимые декорации для детского воображения)
А с годами и местность изменилась, и люди уничтожили большую часть окраин леса(
Двойственные чувства вызывает подобная ностальгия...