Take a photo sometime if possible and I'll take a look. How many blooms are left on the stalk? Sometimes when there are one or two, the plants will do that.. not put the energy into opening them, but rather focus on recovering from the entire bloom process. Also if a plant is stressed it will do what you are explaining. Leaves will wilt and roots will shrivel.
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The flowers are semidried
Hmmm.. May be time to cut the bloom stem back/off so that the plant doesn't waste anymore energy into trying to flower. Looks like that maybe a secondary bloom? Meaning it already bloomed prior to that off of the same stem a while ago?
Because the leaves are wilted, looks like the plant is experiencing water issues. You may want to dump out the bark and take a look at the roots. They should be smooth and greenish.. not grey and wilted. If they are, then it may not be getting enough humidity and air mixture near the roots. Also if the bark is too dense it can have the opposite problem.. too much water. Make sure there is no standing water around the roots.
If you dump out the bark, take more pictures.. I would be interested in seeing the roots.
Here are the pics. The green roots belong to the no blooms orchid. The least pretty belong to the dried flowers orchid. What might be wrong! I repotted them today putting marble stones. I really want these to live as they have emotional value. What should I do?
Yes, the wilted leaves and shriveled roots are there. So why is my orchid stressed then? It had lots of blooms so maybe it was exhausted as it only allowed one or two to blossom and the rest did not open and dried. Now there are barely 3-4 left. I will make a picture and send it to you