I really like your post, your pictures but specially the information you shared. Water is extremely important, and along the dessert it’s difficult to find it, even more with the climate change we are experiencing.
I really like your post, your pictures but specially the information you shared. Water is extremely important, and along the dessert it’s difficult to find it, even more with the climate change we are experiencing.
Glad you enjoyed it :) Particularly in the desert water's importance is matched only by its scarcity. Unfortunately you tend to realize this only after it's a bit too late. The area that I took those in is in the middle of a megadrought, I'm afraid climate change may make the area damn near uninhabitable soon. The state these are located in is about to get its water supply cut by something like 25%, I'm glad I was exploring there when I did, it'll be much more difficult in the very near future.
Thanks for dropping by!