A forest grown on dead forest. your above citation is very relevant. the capacity to observe, making time for real observation and processing of what we see, in part, allows us to realize how beauty is everywhere. all it takes is stopping and paying attention.
It happened that not only I enjoyed his writing very much, but the specific book I got, took me back to a very beautiful time in my life and many beautiful places and visited while working as crew on a Chilean owned boat down the Southern waters of this beautifully rough tail of the American continent.
I have been personally in many of the places he narrates in this book and through reading, I was taken back to many of them, their peoples, markets, fiords and coasts.
I will without a doubt try to put my hands on the book you originally read, as I spent another six months on foot, backpacking through the wild island of Tierra del Fuego.
I want to give you a big thank you today my dear @anttn as i finally managed to finish Francisco Coloane´s book that I got thanks to your recommendation.
Thank you 🙏
Yes, as you say, it's actually quite simple: just stop and take the time to look around. It's perhaps become so rare that it's as obvious as breathing (?) - And in the end, breathing well is not so obvious after all !
I'm very happy you found this beautiful edition of this one story ! Coloane quickly became one of my favorite writer and storytellers. His writing is simple but elaborated and we can feel that I lived a lot if not all this stories :) When I read his novels and short stories, I love to think about Gabriel Garcia Marquez in an other tone, but with this coming modernity that could still be found a little bit romantic at this time..!
Thank you for letting me know about,
I wish you a good week 🌺