i always say that i am born in the wrong time zone :) but i do need to get back to at least waking up before noon.
3 hours of sleep for a night will get bad after a week or two. But they do say that Tesla slept only few hours at night (but he did take short power naps through a day) :D
photos are great. from the ice to the desert :)
I haven't sleep past 7 am for last 10 years probably... Maybe I slept once in my life till noon. Haha, how different we are. My wife could easily go past 10 am day after day...
At least I am compared to Tesla in some way ;)
Thanks for the compliment about my photos!
Have a great one...
i was always a night person, and all that craziness with restrictions we had last 2 years i shifted working nights (as the office is in the house and we were trying to not have crowd in the office). So born in wrong time zone :)