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RE: Tougher than Redder

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

Surely you read the news articles on our favourite site about people racing to get the sunbeds the moment they are available :D

Looks like an amazing place though. Could definitely use some sun over the Melbourne winter..... Is the private villa swimming area too deep for Smallsteps or just the rough rocks? Looks like a nice private area to play around in as long as she has a floaties.


I did not read that one. Damn it! The time they have something useful and I miss it... :D

Won't be long til Melbourne has some sun. The rocks are too big for her - it steps straight into the water, so nowhere to stand.

Bugger.......that would have been a nice spot to just relax. Hotel pools everywhere are pretty crowded. Never fully understood flying hour and hours just to lounge at the pool. Beach I understand, but the pool.....for the whole day?