Macro Photography: The Great Tiny Creatures Of The Almighty

Greeting & Introduction

Hello fellow photography lovers wherever you are. Meet me again in a post containing pictures of three types of small animals that I captured using a macro camera on my smartphone. The three objects that I captured in this post consist of weevils making love this morning, leaf caterpillars that are known to greedily attack leaves and naturally beautiful yellow black and brown wasp.

Halo teman-teman pecinta fotographi dimana pun kalian berada. Kembali bertemu lagi dengan saya dalam postingan yang memuat gambar-gambar tiga jenis binatang berukuran kecil yang aku tangkap dengan menggunakan kamera makro dari smartphoneku. Tiga objek yang aku abadikan dalam postingan ini terdiri dari kumbang pengerek yang sedang bercinta di pagi tadi, ulat daun yang terkenal rakus menyerang dedaunan dan tawon berwarna kuning hitam kecoklatan yang cantik alami.

Beetle In Love

The beetles that I immortalized on this very bright morning were in the midst of making love. They seemed completely undisturbed when I uncovered the bushes where they were perched. It seemed that they were at the peak of their passion for making love. My presence was like a passing wind and they continued to freely pour out their passion this morning.

Kumbang yang ku abadikan pada pagi yang sangat cerah hari ini sedang syahdunya memadu kasih. Mereka terlihat sama sekali tidak terusik ketika aku menguak belukar tempat mereka bertengger. Tampaknya mereka sedang di puncak gairah untuk bercinta. Keberadaanku pun seolah angin lalu dan mereka tetap dengan leluasa menumpahkan birahi di pagi hari ini.

Tiger Caterpillar

The tiger caterpillar reminds me of the vehicle from avatar in the last airbender movie called 'Appa'. Here, we call it the tiger caterpillar because its color is like the color of tiger skin. It has horns that seem to be radar to detect something. Once again I witnessed the various beauties of living creatures created by the Almighty Creator that I had never imagined before.

Ulat macan mengingatkan saya pada kendaraan avatar di film pengendali udara terakhir yang bernama 'Appa'. Di sini, kita menyebutnya ulat macan karena warnanya seperti warna kulit macan. Ia memiliki tanduk yang seolah-olah menjadi radar untuk mendeteksi sesuatu. Sekali lagi saya menyaksikan berbagai keindahan makhluk hidup ciptaan Sang Maha Pencipta yang belum pernah saya bayangkan sebelumnya.

Yellow Black & Brown Wasp (Great Potter Wasp)

This black and yellow wasp looks very beautiful with a combination of two colors that spoil every eye that sees it. Its head is black with a yellow face and a yellow line behind its large eyes. Its antennae are reddish brown, the back of its body is a combination of yellow, black, and brown.*l

Tawon hitam dan kuning ini terlihat sangat cantik dengan perpaduan dua warna yang memanjakan setiap mata yang melihatnya. Kepalanya berwarna hitam dengan wajah berwarna kuning dan garis kuning di belakang matanya yang besar. Antenanya berwarna merah kecoklatan, bagian belakang tubuhnya berwarna kombinasi kuning hitam dan coklat .

Samsung SM-A52sMacro Photography


Wow, the caterpillar really looks like appa. Nice shots ✨

Mini 'Appa' hehe... Thanks for stopping by on my post. I bloody appreciate it. Have a good night!