Dark Mornings in the Hope of Sunrise

Hello everyone,


How many of you love to wake up early just to see those beautiful rays of sun coming up the sky?

How many of you get lost in that lovely moment of dawn and feel alive?

Well…I do. I love the positive vibes coming from the sunrise. So, it was today that I woke up early morning to this sunrise and realized how beautiful and positive they are. I loved feeling the sunrays falling upon me and everywhere on earth as if saying something to each one of us that, the dark nights are gone now.

Here are some pictures of this beautiful sunrise I’m in love with-

So, I woke up at 5 today and it was still dark and the sun was about to rise-

After approximately half and hour the Sun rays started penetrating everywhere lighting up the area with immense beauty-


Within few minutes the sun rays were high in the sky painting the nature with its colourful pallette


These pictures show that no matter how dark it is, there will always be a light.
Whatever be the problem in our lives, there is always a ray of hope telling us that it’s all going to be fine.

Thank You. Hope you’ll fall in love with sunrise (and the pictures too :D).