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RE: Wednesday Walk Victory Park New Bedford and signs of spring

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

Is that someone's house in the one picture or some form of community building? It's nice to see signs of spring popping up. I am heading down south in a little bit and I am looking forward to see how things are blooming. Meanwhile at home I am still waiting for the daffodils to show signs of life in the woods behind our house.


Good morning

thats a house across the road from the park, if your talking about the one as I was walking down one of the paths

After seeing the daffodils I checked the ones in our backyard this morning, but still no sign of them, last year they struggled and only a couple came up, so not sure what we will get this year

Yeah, that's what I was talking about. Very cool. We have had a lot of critters in our back yard this winter. I have heard they don't eat the daffodils, but I am still interested to see if they even come up.

I suspect Squirrels dug up ours even though I to have read that they dont, I did see a few holes around the yard