Snowday photography for #wednesdaywalk

in Photography Lovers3 years ago


The school district my wife and I work for had three days off last week. They were all unplanned and due to inclement weather. We still call them snow days even though it could be any combination (or not) of snow, ice, or excessively cold temperatures.

There are a couple of drawbacks to these days. While my wife gets to stay home and relax, I still have to report to work. In addition to that, we usually don't get the call that school is cancelled until 5:00 AM. Since we get up at 4:00 AM to exercise, it can be tough to go back to bed once you get the call.

It all started on Tuesday. They were calling for a freezing mix of rain and snow all through the day. There was a pretty significant system pushing through and the temps were supposed to be hovering right around the freezing mark. Although the drive in wasn't too bad, they cancelled school anyway just to be safe since there was no guarantee what the rest of the day would bring.

As you can see above, by the time I walked out of my office, there was quite a bit of ice accumulating. This was around 2:00 PM.


We actually got the call that school was cancelled on Tuesday night for Wednesday. We had gotten all that rain through the day and it was supposed to drop down to 17 degrees Fahrenheit overnight. That meant all the water that wasn't already would soon become ice.

I ended up staying home on Wednesday since I had a webinar most of the day that I could do from anywhere. It was nice to sleep in!

Thursday we had school, but since the temps hadn't gone up at all, things were still covered in ice. These are some trees at the gas station. It is a bit hard to tell, but they are coated in ice and it was quite pretty.



Finally, there were these trees on my walk in to work on Thursday morning. I took them from the same vantage point but used two different modes on my phone. The first is just the standard mode. The second is using the Nightsight mode that is built into my One Plus smartphone.

I think I like the second one better because it shows a bit more detail.

I know @tattoodjay is pretty loose about the rules for #wednesdaywalk, but this seemed to fit perfectly because the walk from the car to my office is one that I take quite frequently. At least twice a day if not more sometimes.



As I got to my office door I turned around and took a couple more shots. Again the first is just regular and the second is with the nightsight mode. I honestly don't see much difference between these two. I think they both turned out pretty cool.

Friday we had another snow day but that was because we had about 4 inches of snow dumped on us in a short period right at the beginning of the day. It was a pretty fun drive in to work, nothing had been plowed yet (even the expressway), and there wasn't much traffic on the roads. I threw my truck into four wheel drive and blazed my own trail.

I kind of love driving when the conditions are like that. It makes me feel like skiers probably do when they encounter fresh powder. As long as you have a vehicle that sits high enough and has the capability to handle it, it isn't as intimidating as you would think.

Many school districts around us were closed from Tuesday through the rest of the week. The plow trucks were just too busy to get to the back roads and even if they could, many of those old country roads were virtually impassable anyway.

Last week could come back to bite them at the end of the school year. If you don't get enough hours of instruction in, you end up having to extend your calendar and go further into the summer. It will be pretty funny if our students get out and they still have to sit in class for two or three more days because of this.

Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


All pictures taken by myself or @mrsbozz


The trees in the first picture look really beautiful!

Oh, the nightmode is gorgeous! I don't use it on my phone, didn't even know it was there! Does a nice job and the image is sharper.

You just can not beat icicles!

I remember snow days! We didn't get any! I don't care how much it snowed, you drove in the blizzard and went to school. Ok. there were a couple, but, they were few and far between. I never minded driving in the snow, or even a little ice. It was a way of life in the winter in New England.

You have a nice walk!!! :) It is beautiful! Glad you got a sleep in day! Those are nice once in a while!

Thanks, I always forget it is there, but I clearly need to try and use it more. I think the important part is holding the camera still long enough so it can do its thing while taking the photo. I feel like we had fewer when I was a kid, but I also feel like we had more snow. A couple of years ago we were off a full week because the temps were down around -30 or so. It is nice to sleep in. That is one of my favorite parts of the weekend!


And we truly did have more snow when we were kids. As a matter of fact, it's either feast or famine now. I cannot believe that they actually cancel school if they think it might snow, instead of waiting to see if it's actually going to happen. I can actually say I remember a couple years ago that they cancelled school and it never snowed. That never happened to me when I was growing up.

I remember one day when I was in school when I woke up and the snow was up to the knees. They canceled going to school that day. I vividly remember the happiness I felt for staying home and enjoying the snow

Our sup is a bit more realistic about this kind of thing. We are usually one of the last districts to close. He heads out on the roads in the morning to check them out. It can be a tough call sometimes. You always upset someone. I'd never want that job...

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I felt cold when I saw the snow

Yes, it was quite chilly. We are finally looking at some temps in the 50's by the weekend. Spring is right around the corner!

I like the one taken with nightshot mode, haven't heard of that but it works very well, I do love photos of ice covered plants they look so cool
A bummer the notifications generally comes after the time your up and about, once up its so hard to go back to sleep for me as well

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Yeah, I am not sure what it does exactly for the mode. I think it might just be a longer exposure or something. It probably does some processing on the back end too.

Icicles, hoarfrost dazzling in trees like Christmas all over again, natural decoration at it's best.

How I enjoy seeing surroundings you enjoy, glad you got your big boy in time to test in extreme conditions!

!BEER hope the children don't have to sit extra days, after all it's summer break.

Hah yeah thanks! It was a pretty crazy but beautiful week!

Slightly different is as good as a holiday.

The images are outstanding quality!

uyou can from now on consider eythorphoto a friend andsupporter, iuf i had any money even a "patron".!

The straw photo was and is BRILLIANT, i loved it!

thnx for the share, and take care


Thank you! I appreciate that!

It still a nice way to engage in the Wednesday walk but in a serious snow weather

For sure, thanks!

There are a lot of snow days here in Vancouver since there is no plowding here either.
Its pretty funny to me, since after living in Prince George, where the only snow days we had was when it was -38 degrees and it didn't really matter how much snow we had.

That is quite the difference! I would have figured up there most everyone has a snowmobile or something so they can make it pretty much anywhere!

BEERHey @bozz, here is a little bit of from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that you can use BEER at dCity game to **buy dCity NFT cards** to rule the world.