Boating Around Ha Long Bay | Travel Photography




Boating Around Ha Long Bay | Hạ Long Bay, Vietnam

Images taken during our cruise around Hạ Long Bay. This area was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. I could spend a whole month exploring all the different islets, but unfortunately our visit was limited to a few days.

Camera InfoDescription
CameraCanon EOS 5D Mark III
LensTamron 24-70mm f/2.8 VC

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Beautiful images, looks like a fun boat ride!

Thanks, it was an amazing boat ride!

These are some gorgeous shots. I love the one looking through the boat window. The other two shots are pretty epic! Great job and thanks for sharing.

Thank you! I really liked the composition of the captain through the window, glad you enjoyed them as well!

Great minds think alike! hahaha

what amazing sight, often a movie shooting location

For good reason! Thanks for checking out my post :)

you're welcome

KrustyMusicGIFHi (1).gif

Very nice shots, my friend!

You deserve a slice of !PIZZA with a glass of !WINE 😉🍕🍷


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