A weak counterattack

(Google translate from Czech)

V pondělí a v úterý „zaútočily“ na naši oblast vysoké jarní teploty (10 – 15°C). Podařilo se jim takřka bezezbytku zničit všechny zimní pozice.
On Monday and Tuesday, high spring temperatures (10 – 15°C) “attacked” our area. They managed to destroy almost all winter positions.

Ačkoliv se Jaru povedlo během denního světla ovládnou „bitevní pole“, Zima se jen tak nevzdala a během noci se ji podařilo získat některá území zpět do své moci.
Although Spring managed to take control of the “battlefield” during daylight, Winter did not give up and managed to regain some territory during the night.


Generál mráz si dal na své práci záležet.
General Frost took his job seriously.


Kreativitou opravdu nešetřil.
He really did not skimp on creativity.





Tento protiútok však neměl dlouhého trvání. Ačkoli mi u focení v 7:30 trochu mrzly ruce, v 9:00 Jaro tento protiútok zlikvidovalo a po práci Mrazu zbyla jen vlhká hlína.
However, this counterattack did not last long. Although my hands were a little cold when I took the photo at 7:30, at 9:00 Spring eliminated this counterattack and only damp clay remained after Frost’s work.

Camera: Xiaomi Redmi 6


!LUV the seasonal commentary

Selamat menikmati musim semi dan semoga harimu menyenangkan 👍🤗🤗

Official spring will arrive in 14 days :-)

Glad to hear that, thanks for the reply and feedback 🤗

You probably don't have frosty mornings in Indonesia.
But you certainly have a lot of interesting things there. You could take a picture and send it to the Around The World competition



It wants to go high. Below 1000m everything will be soft :-)