I have to disagree with the G-Dawg on this one! You and your brother HIGHLY underestimate your photographic skills. It would be cool to see you both sharing more photography here. Thanks for stopping by and for your constant support! Cheers browski
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Bloody hell man, now you've gone and done it...I'll have to prove you wrong and show you my terrible photography skills in this community! 😀
Seriously, though, thanks for your comment mate, I appreciate it. I'll post something here and, because I'm a stickler for people following the rules in my community, I'll respect yours of course.
T-Money tried to do that already and ended up getting featured and curated in our HotSHots community feature post! 🤣 I look forward to your successful failure!
And, i thought i was going to have to keep an eye on you in our community. I figured based on your track-record here on Hive you might try to pull some shit,

but since you said you will respect the rules i was deeply comforted! hahaha
Cheers mate
Haha, that gif! I'll be using that one.
Here's to successful failure.