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RE: HOTSHOTS ~ 12/9/24

in Photography Lovers3 months ago

I just caught up on your situation. You have been unmuted in the Photography Lovers Community. Now that you have been verified from HiveWatchers I will also verify your account in another way as well. I apologize for the perception of your treatment as a new account.

However, there have been many times and instances where photography has been a major subject of plagiarism here on the blockchain. Since we are decentralized and community run, plagiarism is taken very seriously and we have seen almost every scammer trick in the book. I had muted your account until there was reasonable evidence to suggest that your account was legitimate and not just photography that seemed too good to be true. (that is most often the tell)

I have personally had to verify in private messages on multiple web2 platforms many photography accounts. I have also caught many many times when it was not the actual photography here with an account on Hive.

I am happy that you have gotten things cleared up and it should not take too long to get your reputation bumped back up and in a more positive light based on the quality of your content. Thanks for sticking around and going through the process. Your time here should be much more enjoyable now that you won't be under such scrutiny. You have some awesome content and i personally look forward to seeing what all you will share. Cheers


Thank you for that. I really appreciate it.
I plan to stick around, so expect a lot more stuff from me in the future ;)

I wanted to share two posts i made to help newer users do well here on Hive.

Please check those out when you get some time and make sure NOT to do the things in there it warns against doing. I think this will increase your chances of support moving forward and accelerate your growth as well!

These were useful, I read them both. Thank you