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RE: HOTSHOTS ~ 10/4/24

in Photography Lovers5 months ago

In this case 'strikes' are a good thing. Stay safe and thanks for your contributions to making Hive and Photography Lovers a better place. You are appreciated... even if it doesn't feel that way based on engagement with your posts. I hope everyone drops by your posts to comment and support your art. Cheers and God Bless my friend! Happy Holidays to you and your family!


hahaha yes i meant something far from war when wrote "strikes" :-))) this word is useful in cricket, baseball, football and even for bowling :-))))
huge thank you for the kind words. have a great weekend !

I think of baseball mostly with the whole 3 strikes and you are out. But then I considered what is happening over there at the moment and considered a more negative vibe. I would be curious to hear your thoughts on the situation that has transpired since around this time last year.

But that is probably better for another time if you feel for it. I think a post to discuss your thoughts, feelings, and experiences would be very insightful for those of us around the world that only get slanted reports from shitty legacy media.

You will probably have a better weekend not thinking about that stuff though. hahaha I'm sure I will see you more in the next couple days. Cheers my brother!

we can talk about the situation and will explain it for you from my personal point of view, not sure how it real can be, but sure much more real than the shitty media. My weekend is going well, but sometimes i put my eyes on the specific list on Twitter, talking about the situation. It's here, very difficult to stay escapist and some of my friends are living in the areas of the daily sirenas. Thank you for the very kind words. 🖤🖤🖤